How did the different scientists contribute to the creation of the modern atomic theory? Why would they be accepted?
If the scientists improved each other’s theories, then these improved theories helped to create the modern atomic theory.
-Analyze how the different theories helped to the creation of the modern atomic theories.
-Compare the different theories and beliefs stated by the scientists.
-Determine how the different theories overlap.
All matter is made of atoms. Water, food, clothes, furniture, and everything surrounding us, including ourselves, human beings, are made of atoms too. An atom is the smallest particle contained by matter that still retains its physical
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(Democritus and Leucippus, 2014) Democritus believed that there is an infinite number of atoms who differ in size, shape, mass, position, temperature, arrangement, among others. The early atomic theory stated that the characteristics of an object are determined by the shape of his atoms. For example, Democritus said that solids are made of small, pointy atoms, while liquids are made of large round atoms. (Atomic Theory, 2014.)
Democritus’ atomic model was simply a round sphere, with no neutrons, protons, electrons, or any other particle inside it. Since Democritus performed no experiments, he could not prove or demonstrate whether his theory was correct or not. (Atomic Theory, 2014) As a result, he was often criticized by Aristotle. (Coffey, J. 2010.)
“Nothing can come from nothing, everything is already in the world and it is merely a matter of combination, and re-combination of eternal bits of immutable stuff called atoms” - Democritus (The European Graduate School, 2014.)
ll. Dalton
John Dalton was a colorblind, English schoolteacher who revived the atomic theory, and continued Democritus’ work. He based his theory in the idea that only like atoms in a mixture of gases repel one another. Although this idea was later demonstrated to be wrong, it was used to abolish and dismiss Democritus’ belief that atoms of all kinds of matter are alike. (Ross, S. 2012.) In 1808, Dalton proposed an explanation that included the law of conservation of
John Dalton wrote the modern atomic theory, a fundamental component of that is, the mole ratios of elements in a compound will be small whole numbers.
By firing massively charged particles at an atom, he found that atoms are made up of smaller particles (Doc. 1). This would lead to his discovery of protons also known as alpha particles (OI). After that, he bombarded gold foil and observed that some of the atoms passed through the foil. Therefore, he concluded that atoms are composed of empty space (OI).
Concept 2.1 Matter consists of chemical elements in pure form and in combinations called compounds
Around 2,500 years ago, Democritus and his partner Leucippus were the first ones to develop the atomic theory in written history. Their theory proposed that every kind of matter was made up of tiny particles, which were named atomos, which means that it is indivisible. This meant that Democritus and Leucippus thought there were little particles of everything, but, the next breakthrough in atomic theory wasn’t made until the early 1800s with a french chemist by the name of Antoine Lavoisier, he was the one who came up with the idea of the law of the conservation of mass, which states that matter stays the same even when it changes shape or form. Then, James Dalton said that all matter was made up of atoms, which were indivisible, and unbreakable.
What is an atom? An atom is the basic building block of everything. An atom is made of electrons protons and neutrons and the number of protons determines the element. Back in the 1800’s this whole idea was unknown. In the 1800’s steam was starting to power everything. It became important to know how steam works, so you can learn to use it more effectively. It was this idea that drove Dalton to research the atom.
Around 1803 John Dalton, an English chemist developed the first useful atomic theory of matter. Amedeo Avogadro, the Italian chemist in 1811 published an article drawing the distinction between the atom and the molecule, which now is known as “Avogadro’s
Even though Aristotle’s theory was wrong he contributed indirectly to the periodic table. The periodic table consists of elements and he hypothesised that elements exist.
2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties.
he atom or Atomos, which means uncuttable or indivisible, took many years to get to our understanding now. Back then they didn’t have the technology that we have now like microscopes, to figure everything out. Some important people who helped were Greek philosopher Leucippus and his student Democritus. They were the first came up with the idea that matter is made up of of tiny particles. They thought that if you cut something in half a lot times, that you will eventually reach a particle that can't be cut anymore. The next big discovery in the atom didn’t come until hundreds of years later by James Dalton, who stated that atoms of different elements have different masses. Throughout Dalton's life as a chemist he had many theories of the
- The discovery of neutrons solved the mystery why atomic mass and atomic number are different, since neutrons added mass to the atom but don’t add any
Although his ideas do not agree with modern day atomic theory, he helped other scientists look further into the idea of atoms and their makeup. In the end, Democritus’s ideas were just ideas, because there was no way to test what he thought.
In 5th century BC, a Greek philosopher named Democritus created the earliest form of the theory of matter. He was aware that two halves of a stone were overall identical, so he came to the conclusion that the stone would eventually become too small to cut if it continued to be separated. He referred to these minuscule pieces of matter as "atomos", the Greek word for indivisible. Democritus theorized that an atom differed in size and shape, as well as believing that they were in
He stated that this was a mysterious force but never continued his research on it. Then in 460 B.C. there was a philosopher named Democritus. Democritus and his mentor Leocippus posed the question that if he broke bread into multiple pieces how many would breaks would it take until there was no more bread. He then was able to make a few theories being all matter was created of atoms and atoms are solid but not invisible. However, there was a man named Aristotle and many other philosophers who disagreed with Democritus and said matter was composed of four main elements. Earth, fire, air, and water. For example, a liquid was made of water and a stone was made of rock. Therefore, Democritus’s theory “ was rejected by Aristotle, one of the most influential philosophers of Ancient Greece; and the atomic theory was ignored for nearly 2,000 years.”(
I am going to be writing about democritus, J.J Thomson, E. Rutherford, N. Bohr, and Schrodinger. The reason why they are all in this report is because they contributed to the modern atomic model. First off Democritus is well known because he is the first person to think that there is a smaller thing than protons, neutrons, electrons. Next I’m gonna talk about J.J. Thomson, he discovered the electron, he found a way to make people understand why cathode rays were negatively charged, and he realized that the accepted model of an atom neither had a negative or positive charge. E. rutherford also was a big part of the modern atomic model because he actually overturned Thomson's model when he did an experiment that helped people understand that the atom has a tiny and heavy nucleus and he made an experiment that used the alpha particles made by a radioactive element.