
The Crake Character Analysis

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can use to puppet through the manipulation of his human nature. Jimmy is the obvious choice, as Crake has known him from childhood. He does not have to study or learn Jimmy’s reaction to given stimuli because they have spent so much time together when growing up. Crake uses the hope of a better life on Jimmy as he promises all his needs will be meet under Crake’s employment. He wines and dines Jimmy, hooking him with the idea of security and financial stability. Crake has to make Jimmy his second in command to give him a high security clearance, an action that will allow Jimmy to move freely in and out of the air locked Paradice dome. Jimmy’s security clearance will also give him access to “the Crakes”, allowing him to be familiar with the created species is crucial to the endgame of re-population of the …show more content…

The species must have a leader to guide them and explain the how and why of things, if they are to blossom and adapt. Crake brings in Oryx as a pawn to control Jimmy pride, idea of love, and his need for sex. Crake uses Jimmy’s human nature to control the outcome, because Jimmy’s idea of love can be used against him to persuade him to keep promises he would not ordinarily make. Jimmy recalls Crake asking him, “would you kill someone you loved to spare them pain?” (Atwood 320). Jimmy also recalls a Crake’s foreboding threat concerning Oryx, “If I’m not around, Oryx won’t be around either” (Atwood 321). When Crake himself cannot persuade Jimmy to promise he will watch after the Crakes, he uses Oryx’s influence to seal the deal,” If Crake isn’t here . . . and if I’m not here either, I want you to take care of the Crakes.” (Atwood 322). Jimmy’s human nature concerning love and loyalty is used by Crake to insure his plan will be completed. The final manipulation tactic of control that Crake uses is Jimmy’s

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