
The Coward In Act Of Solitude By Joyce Carol Oates

Decent Essays

A coward is defined as someone who lacks the courage to take action, a person who is unwilling to do anything unpleasant. A coward refuses to stand up for what is “right” or what is “good” because they are afraid of the consequences, they are afraid that they themselves will be hindered because of their actions. In Act of Solitude by Joyce Carol Oates, Chester Jensen exemplifies a man lacking courage. He is a man unwilling to do the right thing or do anything at all because he is afraid of the consequences. One instance in which Chester illustrates his cowardice nature is through his relationship with his wife, Diane. Chester remarks that he does not love anyone, and yet, at the same time he loves Diane, or so he says. “He and Diane were …show more content…

It is evident Chester is a coward when Joyce Carol Oates dictates, “ He pressed his foot down on the accelerator, hard, not knowing or caring if the intersection was clear of traffic, and the car leapt forward, and there was muffled outcry, and the heavy thud of the black man’s body against the fender, then against the door, and then tires skidded on the wet pavement and squealed, but held; and next thing he knew, Chester was a half-block away, seeing, blurred in the rearview mirror, the black man’s body spiraled motionless in the street. He kept going, he didn’t look back” (8). Chester never stops to look back and see if the man is merely injured or if he is dead, he never calls the police; rather, he continues driving on. In fact, instead of admitting to mistake he made Chester projects blame on the black man and the police “He provoked me, I lost control. He taunted me. Rubbing that filthy rag in my face. The police don’t protect us, they’ve abrogated all responsibility. I didn’t realize he was standing so close. I didn’t realize I would hit him” (8). These actions are the actions of a coward. Instead of confessing to the crime he commits, Chester eventually returns to the scene of the crime and performs penance by handing out money to beggars just like the one he ran over. He does this in order to ease his conscience without fully having to pay the price, something a coward

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