
The Courageous Acts Of Arlen Specter Essay

Good Essays

Hannah Kruger
Mr. Scully
U.S. History
12 December 2016
The Courageous Acts of Arlen Specter

In history there are people that make an impact on the world and some that do not. The choice to do something worth talking about is not necessarily up to us, but up to the opportunities we are willing to take. It takes courage to open these doors to opportunity, and it takes even more courage to walk through the doors that open. The philadelphia senator Arlen Specter is a man who took advantage of the the opportunities he was given in order to make a difference in our lives today. Arlen Specter was born february 12, 1930 in wichita Kansas ("Arlen Specter." Gale Biography) and served in the air force, before being elected to the senate in 1980 and serving until 2011 ("Arlen Specter." American Government). Throughout his term Specter brought controversy about topics that needed attention and stood his ground when pushed ("Arlen Specter." American Government). Arlen Specter showed an act of courage in the late 1900s as he stood up to support minority groups. Courage was demonstrated greatly when Arlen Specter, a republican senator, stood up against hate crimes. Arlen Specter along with Edward Kennedy, co sponsored the Fair Housing Amendments Act 1988 ("Members of Congress”). This act said that unlawful to discriminate against when selling or renting a living place. This law was congress’s way to try and suppress discrimination in race, along with sex and religion ( “Fair Housing

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