
The Corruption Of Police Corruption

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With recent negative media coverage concerning police officers, police corruption has become a major topic. Police officers seem to be making more questionable and unethical decisions according to the media. With these questionable actions, the idea that police officers are corrupt has been a steadily growing opinion. I will be focusing this literature review on the history of police corruption, mostly in major cities/countries; the nature of police corruption; the ethics involved in law enforcement; causes for police corruption and finally possible solutions to police corruption.
History of Police Corruption Since the start of policing in America, there have been major police corruption scandals, especially in New York City. Throughout the course of the last century, the NYPD has withstood at least six major corruption scandals which have resulted in commissions (Muraskin & Roberts , 2009). For each of the commissions, they discussed the findings of the commissions and their attempts to prevent that form of corruption from happening again. However, it only seemed to solve certain aspects of those problems and not the whole problem. The findings of those commissions are especially important since they demonstrate that the behaviors and patterns of corruption have changed over the years. Police corruption is not a problem that is based only in one country, but a problem all over the world (Newburn, 1999). Police corruption is happening in major countries from the

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