
The Controversy Over The Role Of Scientists In Politics

Decent Essays

There has been a huge controversy over the role of scientists in politics. Moreover if scientists should have any type of role in politics. Even though scientists do play a huge part in our world, scientists should not be politicians but rather their knowledge should be inputted into politics. Their stubborn minds, widespread opinions, and their thirst for knowledge truly displays that they are no fit to be politicians but their knowledge and ideas are considered to be a great help in politics. Scientists are very stubborn, they like everything to be simple and not complex. They are not used to compromising on anything and therefore not really a good fit for being a politician. Einstein was describing that the world government was …show more content…

In a letter from Albert Einstein to President Franklin Roosevelt, it addresses how a group of physicists met to discuss their fears of Germany developing a uranium-based weapon, in which they decided to immediately inform President Roosevelt of their concerns. Here is an example of when scientists knowledge should be involved in politics. For the benefit of our country they are concerned that Germany is developing this bomb and so informing the government about this is helping our country develop new tactics on how to approach this situation. Not only did they inform the president about the bomb they even stated where we would be able to obtain these resources that would later on develop into an atomic bomb. Stating that they know the United States has only a limited source of uranium and that if they want to obtain uranium then could find it in either Canada, the former Czechoslovakia, and the Belgian congo. Their knowledge of where uranium could be obtain is a huge factor that had helped the government. This displays their efforts into how they could be a huge factor in politics. Overall their knowledge and ideas are able to help advance politics for the common

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