
Examples Of Controversies Over Religious Freedom

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Controversies Over Religious Freedom Religious freedom has been a staple of the American doctrine since the Bill of Rights. Since then, religious freedom has been challenged non-stop. From the Supreme Court’s rulings that have shaped what religious freedoms mean, which include the enactment of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), and the legalization of same-sex marriage; to obstacles that Muslims face. Religious freedom has been and continuous to be a center point in American politics.
The Supreme Court has shaped the interpretation of religious freedom within the United States through rulings on cases regarding the First Amendment. Some of the early cases heard resulted over the amount of religious liberty and the spreading of First Amendment protections towards the state level. These cases stem as far back as 1778, where the court ruled that prohibiting polygamy violates no religious freedoms within the Mormon faith (11). In 1940 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of state laws having secular purpose in the case Cantwell v. Connecticut. This extends the Free Exercise Clause to state level (12). From 1948 to 1985, the Supreme Court decides cases that pertain to religion in public schools. This includes a case in 1962 dealing with the Establishment Clause, Engel v. Vitale, in which limits were made towards prayer in schools (11). During the late eighties and into the later half of the nineties, with the Court’s narrowing of the rights towards the exercise of

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