
The Controversy Of William Shakespeare's Early Life

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Every prodigy has a story to him/her. Shakespeare started a young lad with 7 siblings in a small town to buddies with Queen Elizabeth I. Poets, Authors and playwrights throughout history love and worship his work. Such as John Dryden, who said, “He was the man who of all modern, perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul.” or the famous writer T.S. Eliot who said “I do not believe any writer has exposed this bovarysme, the human will to see things as they are not, more clearly than Shakespeare.”.(Malibard) People still admire him today because of his works, but don’t really seem to care for how he got there and that is what i am here to talk about. Shakespeare had a interesting life full of controversy. I'd like to …show more content…

His father was a merchant named John Shakespeare and his mother was a devout catholic called Mary Shakespeare. His father lived in Snitterfield until he moved into Stratford before 1532. In Stratford, he worked with farm products and sold them to people for a living. After he settled down and married Mary Arden, he was elected into a lot of civic positions and went from a wealthy business owner into a civil servant.(Malibard) Shakespeare’s mother was the youngest of 8 daughters raised by a catholic father. She married John Shakespeare in 1557 at 17 years old.(The Parents of William Shakespeare). When Shakespeare was a toddler, he enrolled him into a grammar school which was an influence on his writing later on in Shakespeare’s life. While he was there he had to attend class six days a week at dawn. He studied the alphabet, prayers, and history. At the age of seven, he began instruction in latin. During the Renaissance, writing was going through a revolution in England. It was important to his future career that he learn all of this to keep up with this explosion of art and literature. (William Shakespeare: …show more content…

He heads back because he was old and missed his home and family. Before he left, He did his final play which is likely to be Henry VIII. While living out in Stratford he spent his final days living like a rich man and having a huge house. On March 25, 1616 he signed his will for he knew he was going to die of sickness. William Shakespeare left the world in his own home on April 23, 1616 which was his birthday. The cause could be his failing health that was possibly the result of drug, smoking, or drinking abuse. Two days later, Shakespeare was buried in the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.

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