The controversy about the race of the Statue of Liberty has been a a ongoing battle for years. Some people think that the statue was modeled after a caucasian woman , some people think she was modeled after a African American woman. After years of weathering and aging the statue has turned to a beautiful green color from is orginal copper color. The statue has several aspect that makes me think that she was modeled after a african American woman. The statue of liberty has chains at her feet, she was original brown, and she was giving to us from france. At the base of the statue of liberty feet their are chains at the base of her feet that has been broken. Threw history chains has enchanined the african american race threw out history. The …show more content…
Over time she has changed to due to the weather and oxygen. The statue of liberty is made of copper,steel , and wrought iron. Which make sense that the face of the statue of liberty was a brown faced woman. Not only is the woman wearing chains but she was brown. By combineing both of those factors you will see a black enslaved womam. There are hundreds of Mallable mateirals that could have use to put on the ouside of the statue of liberty face to make her out of but face chosed to make her a brown faced woman. Finally, the statue of liberty was giving to America from frace. It has been rumored that france sent a all very distuishedable black woman but the us decilned the statue so they made them a new one. France has been known to have been safe haven for African Americans for years. Being one of the first countries to ban slavery they banned slavery in 1848 which was years earlier then america . They also have a monument for the slaves in france. In conclusion the great statue has stood in America for about 122 years. It represent reslitience , liberty and freedom of this country. Its amazing the mystery of the race of the statue hasen’t been figured out for this many years. I personally think she was modeled after a black for several reason. But knowing the hisrtory of
Speaking of oppression, the statues are reminders to the descendants of slaves of what their ancestors endured in the machinations of slavery on a day
This Statue represents Thirty-nine Baltimoreans who died in the battles Lady Baltimore commemorates. This occurred between Sep. 12th and 15th in 1814 and plans for the monument in their honor began not long after. This statue represents the city of Baltimore. During the weekend I went to visit the replica statue and made an evaluation. The texture looked to be smooth her dress looks to be loose fitting and draped there are multiple lines and her hair looks soft, the statue looks to be showing motion as she holds her arm up with a perfect balance. She has a crown that sits on her head, the color looks to be fresh and clean being as though the new statue is only 3 years old. I saw a lot of space around the statue. I thought the Statue looked beautiful and I am honored to have seen it. I also gathered information about the original statue it stands 52 feet above ground, both of the arms have been broken off over the years by a combination of wind and rain and also has ruined the statue's eyes, nose, and ears. Underneath the monument, there are 18 layers of stone which are the number of states in the union in
The removal of Confederate monuments has been a controversial topic over the past few years. Many want to tear them down, others want to keep them up and some want them to be moved to museums. Although controversial, many still do not know why exactly people want these statues to tear down or be kept up. After reading and analyzing both Michele Bogart’s and The Guardian’s view on Confederate statues, I would say that Michele Bogart’s “In Defense of ‘Racist’ Monuments” article was the most persuasive. Right off the bat, Michele Bogart starts off with how the rise of white nationalism is causing officials around the country to remove memorials of Confederate soldiers, military leaders, and symbols of “the Lost Cause”. Bogart clearly states that not all civic statues represent white supremacy or racism, but that they are “the culmination of complex social and artistic engagement at the community level” (Bogart). She further explains how eliminating these statues is not going to help solve the problem of racism in the United States. Her purpose in this essay is to persuade the reader that civic monuments should be kept up as pieces of art, not as “symbols of hate”.
The Rocky statue in Philadelphia, PA serves as an iconic symbol that has shaped the image of Philadelphia, while demonstrating that location influences the way people see art. The statue stands tall next to the Rocky Stairs, and plants into the minds of the people ideas of inspiration, self-determination, and pride in accomplishment, which all help raise Philadelphia up as a proud and progressing city. It’s presence at the art museum also demonstrates the effects of location on a piece of art. Location works like a manipulation in that it influences the way people see the artwork. Would People look at the statue the same if it was next to a rundown building, or if it
Understandably, those who disagree with that, including African Americans who were enslaved by the Confederacy, are offended by sculptures of Lee because it commemorates the “dark days” of slavery.
In Figure 3.10, “Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences” (1792), there are depictions of African Americans. This image shows lady liberty giving books to African Americans who seem to be looking up at her. There is chaos shown in this image and I believe that it depicts how African Americans feel during the Revolution. “Lady Liberty” is sharing different books with African Americans who are both male and female. I think that librarians that were involved with the creation of this image were trying to suggest that African Americans should be given an education also.
In April of this year, The Charlottesville city council voted to remove and sell the confederate statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, and to the renaming of both parks where the statutes are located. Alerting the attention of white nationalist Richard Spencer who organized a march of Ku Klux Klan members to gathered in Charlottesville, Va. On August,12,2017. According to (The daily progress) They protested the removal of Confederate General, Robert E. Lee’s statue. The protest gathered about 1,000 people opposing the group of 30 to 50 Klan members, numbers that were cited by (NRP.ORG) The aftermath resulted in altercations between both parties that ended in a car ploughed into the crowd of the counter protesters who identify as Antifa,
This artifact not only preserves a dress that represents African-American culture, but it also was created and worn by someone of great significance, Rosa Parks, in history which helps to preserve her as a person as well.
The Statue of Liberty was originally a gift to the United States from France, back in the late 1800's. The massive structure is one of
To receive a statue in your name and have it placed in an area meant for recognition is an honor, this is given for the highest respect and privilege to those who impacted the society positively and fought for a change. The social and racial equality in America has progressed since the Civil War and the space for bigotry and acrimony for other ethnicities is limited, the society now embraces a broader meaning of diversity and equivalence with gender, sexuality, and ethnicity. In spite of that, a man who believed and fought for the entitlement of slaves was honored with a statue of his own, infamously named the Robert E. Lee statue. How can we let a representation of racial inequality and discrimination
She brought false hopes of heritage and misinterprets the whole process of being African American.
She is very much a common sense figure. It also goes so far as to parallel the two voices for the black community at that time. One voice was proactive and wanted to march for freedom and the other wanted to kneel and pray rather than stand up for their rights.
The first slaves arrived in America in the year 1619, and a little under 250 years later slavery was abolished on January 31, 1865. The most pressing question is how the African slaves accomplished such a major feat. The Africans recognized that the treatment that they were receiving from white overseers, and owners was unjust. As in Sankofa the slaves remembered and helped the younger generations understand that this position was not one that they had always held. They kept alive the idea that they too were human beings, and never ceased to spread that message within the slave community. America was different from Africa though in a
African Americans had a turbulent history in the United States ever since they were brought to the country as slaves. “Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. (Slavery in America, 2012) During the 17th and 18th centuries, slavery was practiced throughout most of the American colonies. (Slavery in America, date). During these times, the amount of slaves that were brought to America enormous and could possibly be near the 10 million mark in the 16th
A defining time in African’s lives as they came to America was when the transatlantic slave trade developed at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Against their will, at least fifteen million Africans were transported to the Americas and the Caribbean.¹ When the United States emerged as an independent country in 1787, around 650,000 Africans were resettled as slaves. Here, Africans were immediately confronted with the harsh reality of body exploitation and forced labor for the benefit of whites. Anyone of African descent was labeled as private property. They were denied