
The Controversial Issue Of Cloning Humans

Decent Essays

In discussions of Cloning, one controversial issue has been Cloning Humans. On the one hand, Paul Stark argues that Cloning is wrong and shouldn't be done. On the other hand, Simon Smith contends that we could Clone human organs and put them into cloned pigs so that we have more organs for transplants and many more possibilities. My own view is in the middle of the issue. That I believe Cloning is dangerous and uncertain of the outcome. But the number of benefits from cloning is infinite.
For Paul Stark, one controversial issue is cloning. states that cloning is dangerous, wrong, and unnecessary. He thinks this will lead to genetically engineered children used for harvesting organs. Stark believes that we have no need for cloning and that the money spent researching it is wasted money. He also believes that it is wrong to clone for it is not …show more content…

He thinks that if we spend enough time on researching cloning, we can clone human beings with outstanding physical attributes, such as a heart that works better than our own. Also immune systems that will allow us to never get sick. Another benefit is Embryonic stem cells that can grown to produce organs and tissue to replace damaged or missing ones. We could create skin for burn victims, or brain cells for people who have brain damage. The sky's the limit with human cloning. As I do agree with what Mr Smith says about the many medical benefits of human cloning. I also have a great concern for the safety of human testing. Many animals have died due to cloning and this same thing may happen to a human, whether is be the mother that gets injured or the child that is cloned. Either way in the process of researching and testing cloning, there may be many casualties due to misunderstandings and miscalculations. If human cloning is approved for testing sometime in the future, then there are many dangers of

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