
The Contributions Of Women In The American Civil War .

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The Contributions of Women in the American Civil War

The Civil War was a divisive time in American history that tore the country in half for five long years (1861-1865). After the election of Abraham Lincoln, the southern states seceded from the north and formed the Confederate States of America because they saw their way of life being threatened. They wanted to fight for their right to have slaves and for states to have more power. The North (Union) fought because secession wasn 't an option and they needed to preserve the country as a union. Lincoln called on the men in the North to fight this war, but there was also an estimated 400 to 750 women who were also soldiers. ( Many women stayed home and worked to maintain their …show more content…

With her organizational skills, she was quick to acquire the medical supplies and train the nurses needed to assist the Union in winning the war.

Another woman who was influential in providing the Union with medical support was nurse Clara Barton. She was one of the main volunteers to first show up at the Washington clinic to watch over injured Union officers. After her dad’s passing, Barton left the city clinics to go among the officers in the field. She was able to bring three wagons full of medical supplies to the Union soldiers at the Battle of Antietam which is known as the “bloodiest single-day battle in American History.” Through that battle she gathered men and directed them to get water, prepare food, and perform any first aid necessary for the injured soldiers. Many of the supplies and transportation need for the Union was provided by Barton herself or donations she was able to get. These are just two of the thousands of women nurses who aided the Union to succeed in critical battles of the American Civil War.

Women were often underestimated which made them perfect to act as spies and gather information that benefited the Union. One of the best was spy Elizabeth Van Lew, an important figure in Richmond, Virginia. She was brought up in the North and could not support slavery. She didn 't reveal her true

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