
Comparing Othello 'And O'

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Othello, composed by Shakespeare in 1603, is a standout amongst the most disputable and pertinent plays to both society and people. It investigates themes such as gender equality and Jealousy that are still pervasive today. The film O, on the other hand, is the contemporary American rendition of Othello. It too explores similar notions pertinent to society. At the core of both these texts there are universal themes that make it similar, however, each text has been altered by the composers, William Shakespeare and Tim Blake Nelson, in order to make it germane and engaging for the audience of their times.
In Othello, Shakespeare challenges the desires and perspectives put on ladies in the public arena. He endeavours to change the attitude …show more content…

Not just does this represent the inferiority of women to men, it likewise expresses that ladies are seen as a commodity to be given, transported and purchased. Moreover, it highlights the characterisation of Desdemona and how submissive she is. This accentuates that Shakespeare was a man who saw ladies simply the same as a man. His emphasis on gender equality permits viewers to get a look at how ladies are dealt within society and how men ought to treat ladies. He underscores that gender equality should be valued in society.
Nelson in the movie O enforces viewers to view women as the same as men. He endeavours to ensure that gender inequality does not happen in society. He emphasises that women have a say in society and men should respect it. This gender equality is predominant in the characterisation of Desdemona. In O Desdemona is depicted as a lady of self-assurance and capacity. This nature of Desdemona is seen when she opposes her dad by saying that her association with Othello is "none of your business". High modality is utilised to stress the confidence she has in herself. The scene is also a high angle shot with her father the dominant figure. This exemplifies how defiant women can be. Gender equality can also be seen when O and Dese fight over the handkerchief. The camera is steady and looking straight on. This leads the viewer to the perspective that women are on the same level as men. High modality is also utilised

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