As always, tax season has sprouted right before the blossoms of springtime. Most of those experiencing homelessness do not file tax returns and would not endure consequences due to the little, if any, money they are making.
However, opposed to what countless individuals believe many homeless people are employed. A 2002 national study by the Urban Institute reported approximately 45% of homeless adults had worked in the previous 30 days, which was only 14 percentage points lesser than that of the general population at the time.
Lots of individuals experiencing homelessness do not have the resources to file taxes themselves. To benefit those struggling with this problem, Homeless Resource Network combines forces with the Chattahoochee Valley
There are more than 500,000 homeless individuals all over the United States who are either living inside shelter homes or along the streets according to a survey conducted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Various surveys are being conducted so that the current problems being experienced by these homeless people can be properly addressed and the necessary solutions can be provided. Among the information gathered are as follows:
There are those who are "economically homeless" — people who have been without homes by lose their jobs. And even those people maybe they have a job but they can pay a bill for the low wages.
The Homeless are a vulnerable population. Homelessness is a social issue that anyone can almost be subjected to despite his or her age, race, ethnicity or geographical background. Kornblum (2012) defined homelessness as… “as a social condition in which people do not have regular housing and are forced to sleep in public places, public shelters, or facilities designed for homeless individuals and families” (p.280). The homeless population faces several adversaries in their lifetime of being homeless. Their adversaries are a lack physical and emotional disabilities, and possibly drug abuse. Grant some are homeless by choice, whereas most are homeless by mishaps, but nevertheless, they are humans deserving to be treated with fairness, dignity,
Homeless people are not always the victims that the media have portrayed them to be. The alarming fact is that many of the homeless are there by choice. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to portray all homeless people as lazy people who dont want to take care of themselves. This couldn't be further from the truth. In my experience with the homeless they are usually either in bad health, addicted to drugs, mentally ill or a combination of any of these. To compound matters worse, they are usually without any type of legitimate income to support themselves.
Homelessness seems to constantly trigger debates among our society. It has since caused a complex social problem between U.S. citizens and multiple cities worldwide. Cities across the nation have passed a law that criminalizes the act of feeding the homeless, has restricted simple acts of compassion, and have required the purchase of permits to utilize public areas. According to Robbie Couch,” The outlet reports that, incredibly, at least 33 municipal bans on publicly handing out food have been enacted across the U.S. between January 2013 and April 2014, reflecting a sharp increase in communities with such restrictions…. This past February, Columbia S.C., began requiring groups of 25 people or more to purchase permits allowing them to utilize the city’s parks.” I know many will probably agree and say something along the lines of “By restricting the feeding of the homeless, it would motivate more homeless individual to get off the streets”. Houston Mayor Annise Parker stated, “Making it easier for someone to stay on the street is not humane”. Feeding bans are allowing an increase in chronic hunger, allowing stereotypes that are ill-treating those who are experiencing homelessness and allowing homeless individual’s mental, physical, and emotional health to weaken as time progresses.
There are many different ways to describe homelessness and how each form of it affects America in ways of the economy. People are too often concerned about how the homelessness affects America but do not take any action to fix the problem. In order to get a job, you have to have three things that may or may not belong to every citizen. You must have a birth certificate, or social security number which every citizen of america has. The most important thing that you must have that everyone overlooks is a home address.
In January of 2015, there were 564,708 individuals who were experiencing homelessness by unwillingly sleeping outside and not having emergency shelter. In the United States, there were reportedly 33 states where the homeless population was decreasing, while increasing in 16
Being homeless has been an ongoing process that hasn’t been solved yet. There are still many homeless people out on the streets in the large cities and in the immense nation we call America. It’s bizarre to think about when unemployment still hasn’t gotten near zero and new jobs are being created every day. People go homeless because of situations they never thought would happen. For example, an ongoing illness or sickness that lead to major medical bills or just got fired from a grand or irritating job
Being homeless can be the least or one of the least desirable circumstances one could imagine, causing great difficulties to one more than one could imagine. People usually become homeless as results from a combined of different effects from of extreme poverty, the lack, and limited affordable housing and the decline of government supports, lack of employment opportunities, poor healthcare, and limited health services for mental illness, domestic violence, foreclosures, and evictions (Wikipedia, 2009, p. 6). These are just some of the major reasons that cause people to become homeless. But not all homeless are without jobs. There is a small percent of them do work, but the minimum wage is simply not enough to cover their rent since they are already struggling living paycheck to paycheck or the work is not steady. Forcing more and more not only single people but also entire families.
Although it is very hard to estimate the number of homeless people in the US, we can get very close using massive amounts of studies and the census so we can at least get a good idea so we can start helping them. 52% of requests for emergency shelter for families were denied in the last year, a 22% increase from least year.(2) Homeless families in rural areas have very little or nothing to fall back on if they are faced with homelessness. They are often forced to live with friends or relatives to avoid homelessness. This is often considered homelessness and counted in studies. However, nearly half of the families requiring emergency shelter aren't even as lucky as to have a friend or relative to live with.(3) The national estimate for homelessness in the United States as of 2001, was 3.5 Million people, 1.5 million of them being
According to, homelessness is a temporary condition that people fall into when they cannot afford to pay for a place to live, or when their current home has been declared unsafe or even unstable. According to, this issue affects between 1.6 million to close to 3 million people within the United States ("World Habitat”). The issue is growing throughout the world, yet what is the root cause? Numerous people wonder how they can help. Most tend to believe that the solution is as simple as just giving them money to use for daily living. Even though their root cause for their issue isn’t money. It is the fact that they don’t grasp how to use their money properly/ responsibly. The homeless can’t be helped with just cash, they need the proper support systems along with education to become successful.
We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty” (Brainy Quote, 1997). In the past homelessness was known as a result of any war. Nowadays, the percentage of homeless people is around 60% worldwide. Also, the concept of homelessness is an expression that covers a huge number of countries which means it shifts from nation to nation. Individuals who are needy are regularly unfit to earn and keep up a standard, protected secure and sufficient stay. Being caused mainly by the individual’s conditions, homelessness can affect people’s health and personal life.
The history of homelessness dates as far back to the American Civil War, but the most noticeable is the 1930s Great Depression. During this time a lot of families were not able to afford their homes so they traveled a migrant working trail to find work. “the effects of the Great Depression threw many families out of their homes and into parks and temporary encampments in the countryside, homelessness became a national problem” (Jimenez, A., J., Pasztor, Mayers, E., Chambers, (McDonald), R. M. (03/2014). Over 2 million people were considered homeless at this time who suffered from hunger and poverty. Today The National Alliance to End Homelessness reports that 564,708 people were experiencing homelessness in 2015. Which is down “from 18.3 in 2014 to 17.7 homeless people per 10,000 people in the general population” (NAEH, 2016).
Homelessness is a problem virtually every society suffers from. There are many things that cause people to become homeless, such as unemployment, relationship problems, and being evicted from ones domicile either by a landlord, friend or even a family member. However, with every cause there must be an effect. Some of the effects of one becoming homeless, besides the obvious change of lifestyle, are various health problems which often times may lead to death.
Homelessness is a major problem facing many cities. Some people are homeless because of unfortunate situations, and others are homeless by choice. Homelessness has been around since 1640.