
The Consequences Of Censorship In China

Decent Essays

The documentary primarily focused on the aspect of China’s people and the people they put in power who run their country. Of all of the topics covered throughout the documentary, however, censorship was the most appealing to me. In the United States, it is believed that censorship is not as strict as it really is. Due to the fact that China is a communist country, whereas the United States is not, people tend to assume the worst. The United States does a lot better of a job hiding their censorship than China, but it is quite apparent to me that it exists, and it exists in more ways that you would think. For example, the first amendment, “right to freedom of speech”, does not cover all speech. Obscenity is not allowed to be used, and can cause major consequences. Hate groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Westboro Baptist Church, have been allowed to form and meet under these rights, so long as they do not speak specifically of hateful acts or recommend that others perform illegal actions. …show more content…

While speaking out against the People’s Republic of China may have its consequences, the words that someone may speak carry much more weight and meaning than many of the marches or movements in America, largely in part of it is a right in the United States to be outspoken. When a group of people speak out against their government in China, it causes waves all across the media and the country itself. When a group of people speaks out against the American government, no one cares. No one cares, because that is 75% of social media content in the United

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