
The Company Philosophy Of Lincoln Electric Company Essay

Decent Essays

Lincoln Electric Company was founded by John C Lincoln in 1906 starting with a start up business in a one room, 4th floor factory to a bigger building and started to expand his workforce to 30 people and had a great expand in their sales as it grew over $50,000 a year. He was humble, preferably to be an engineer and inventor rather than sitting around being labelled as manager. The company also gave each of their employee as paid-up life insurance policy in the 1915. After 2 years, welding schools are introduced. A year after the success of forming a welding school, employee bonus plan was attempted.In the 1919 's, Lincoln Electric 's employees association are formed to introduced some social activities and health benefits to care for the workers. After becoming General Manager, in 1925; a purchase stock plan are enable for all employees. Lincoln bonus plan was finally accepted as a trial by the Advisory Board in 1934. Under the company philosophy of Lincoln Electric Company, advertising is one of the method to help reached the customers with better quality of production that can satisfy their needs. Increase in competitor helps to enhance their business ability in producing a more quality and efficiency in producing and also distributing of the goods or services. Finally is the price, the pricing can not only determine or reflect the efficiency of the production but at the same time it helps to show the concern of the products sold and the ability of producing such

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