
The Community Of The Deaf

Decent Essays

Definitions In order to completely understand the proposal it is necessary to clarify what it is meant by Deaf. For the sake of this proposal Deaf will refer to individuals who cannot hear at all or are hard of hearing to the point it is necessary to use sign language to communicate
Selecting a Sample The unit of analysis for the purposed study are Deaf individuals that are currently incarcerated at prisons located in the areas of the United States that have the greatest population of the Deaf. The prisons chosen are Rochester Correctional Facility in New York, Texas State Penitentiary in Texas, Charlotte Correctional Facility in North Carolina, Southeastern Correctional Institution in Ohio and Washington State Penitentiary in Washington. Populations of Deaf individuals in prisons are very small so it will be necessary to interview all those whom consent.
Purposive Sampling The most appropriate form of sampling is purposive, the specific need for this study is Deaf individuals who have or currently facing or have faced obstacles in the criminal justice system. A random sample would not fill this need. An interview to perform the survey was chosen because some Deaf individuals have other disabilities that would make them unable to read or understand a written survey. The survey also contains questions that may need further elaboration depending on the answer given. Also, the Deaf individuals will be asked to refer us to other Deaf inmates, snowballing, to “widen” the

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