
The Color Purple Movie And Book Comparison Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The movie and the book version of The Color Purple showed both similarities and differences between each other. The difference between the two versions would be the structure of them. The book version have been composed with Celie’s letters that are mostly addressed to God while the movie does not show the letters to the audience. The movie only mentioned one letter from Celie where the letter was read with a voice over. The book depicted Celie in having to deal with her womanhood as she expressed her inner thoughts and emotions with God. On the other hand, the movie had left that part out in which the movie only inserts scenes of Celie’s actions. Having the film to just display Celie's action without mentioning her inner thought makes the …show more content…

Also in the movie, Shug and Celie did not discuss the presence and the belief in God, whereas the novel was the only version that mentioned it. In the original story of The Color Purple from the novel, God have played a big role of how Celie is percerving her life in the rural South in the way she is developing her strength as a woman. The lack of the idea about God in the film had left the knowledge of how Celie have become a much more powerful woman in standing up for herself in a male dominant society. The movie only showed Celie and her actions in how she gained her own sense of people while the book version depicts both her thoughts and actions to show her growth in her womanhood. The story among the movie and book version has stayed true of the overall story of Celie by having the same overall theme in getting Celie to her develop her own sense of power as a woman. Both of the versions have the similarity in having to show how Celie was being abused by man, especially by Pa and Mr. ___, and having to be attracted to Shug Avery and her

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