
The Color Purple Discrimination Essay

Decent Essays

Segregation and Women’s discrimination in Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple play a very important role. Back then is those days it was okay for a man to abuse his wife. Every man thought that they were more superior than their wife or any other woman. The story opens with a memory of Celie being commanded by her father to keep it a secret that he sexually abuses her. With Celie's mother being very ill he takes advantage of Celie and forbids her to tell anyone but God. With that being said it explains why most of the novel begins with the phrase ‘Dear god”. In the beginning, Celie is a very confused young girl she does not understand what is happening to her or why. Most of all she does not understand why she is only fourteen years old and already on her second pregnancy. As Celie grows older she starts realizing the situation that she is in. Celie and her younger sister Nettie soon come across this man whom Celie refers to as “Mr._____”. The sisters come to find out that this Mr.____ has an interest in marrying Nettie. However, Celie and Nettie's father refuse to give Nettie away stating that she is far too young instead he he offers him Celie. …show more content…

Harpo the oldest son confides in Celie with problems that he is having with his girlfriend Sofia. Later in the story Sofia and Harpo get married as time goes by Harpo starts abusing Sofia. Sofia is described as a tough girl who will not put up with anyone. When Harpo starts abusing Sofia in the end he is the one who ends up with a bad beating. Celie confronts Harpo and asks him why he feels the need to abuse his wife. Harpo then states that he feels that she should be punished for not listening to him. He then makes a comment that Celie thinks twice about. He reveals that he wants Sofia to listen to him the way Celie does when Mr._____ orders her to do something. The fact that Harpo believes that he should punish Sofia demonstrates how men belittled

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