
The Colony Of Algeria

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The colony of Algeria was one of many that were established by the French in order to rectify their diminishing image on an international scale. Throughout history the nation of France has seemed to be in the shadows of Great Britain, as well as struggling to keep up with their advancements. Throughout the 19th century, France experienced its fair share of losses, bad leaders, and through their eyes, national embarrassment. The new republic signified a New France, and imperialistic pursuits were one way they intended to regain the stature that they had lost and longed for throughout the course of history. Algerian and French relations had begun early in the 1800’s, but became deeply rooted following the Berlin Conference which revamped European nations desire to imperialize. This colony, along with many was the nation’s way to the top and would not be released lightly. The French who were famous for their revolution disregarded their historical past, as they infiltrated Algerian soil and were negatively impacted in the long run by the colonization process. In particular, the colony of Algeria halted French pursuits to international stardom through resistance, and attributed to the further decline of the once great nation, as result of the harshness that the French imposed onto the natives.
The history of the French was filled with the ideas of enlightenment that promoted self-rule and individualization. By choosing the path of colonialism, the French people were opting to

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