The colony of Algeria was one of many that were established by the French in order to rectify their diminishing image on an international scale. Throughout history the nation of France has seemed to be in the shadows of Great Britain, as well as struggling to keep up with their advancements. Throughout the 19th century, France experienced its fair share of losses, bad leaders, and through their eyes, national embarrassment. The new republic signified a New France, and imperialistic pursuits were one way they intended to regain the stature that they had lost and longed for throughout the course of history. Algerian and French relations had begun early in the 1800’s, but became deeply rooted following the Berlin Conference which revamped European nations desire to imperialize. This colony, along with many was the nation’s way to the top and would not be released lightly. The French who were famous for their revolution disregarded their historical past, as they infiltrated Algerian soil and were negatively impacted in the long run by the colonization process. In particular, the colony of Algeria halted French pursuits to international stardom through resistance, and attributed to the further decline of the once great nation, as result of the harshness that the French imposed onto the natives.
The history of the French was filled with the ideas of enlightenment that promoted self-rule and individualization. By choosing the path of colonialism, the French people were opting to
Resistance movements from the native Algerian population caused the new civil government to adopt a policy of settler superiority. This new government did not favor the Algerian people as the military regime has done in the past and instead established a system that would benefit the European minority much more than the Muslim majority. To start with, the new government sent representatives from the Algerian colony to the French parliament, but these representatives were of course French men and did not care for the native population. This in turn led into a total control of the Algerian economy and political structure by the settlers. This was part of the colonization process on the part of France which consisted of two parts, Assimilation and Association.
Question 2: If there is one art the French people perfected, it is the art of ennui. While this is diluted with every new generation, the French people still seem to be perpetually uninspired by their political system. Today, this ennui results in little more than complaining, but historically, it has led to unrest. The paramount result of this is the French Revolution. Before the Revolution, French society had been highly divided by class lines and the Third Estate struggled while the First and Second Estates enjoyed prosperity. After the French Revolution, however, the French did everything they could to distance themselves from this system.
First off when the Prussians and Russians tried to invade France, the French held their ground and beat them in war that took many resources but they succeeded (Document B). When the French won the war and took over the Netherlands, they got more followers and took even more land because as a rule more followers meant that they could march into countries because they were a very large nation. When the French executed the government leaders on a guillotine this made them stronger as a nation too (Document F). As a rule when they executed the leaders they inserted fear into everyone and fear is a powerful tool that got people not to betray or turn against them. Lastly when the French finally killed their radical leader Robespierre they became stronger (Document C). When they killed him they finally became independent and stronger because Robespierre didn’t kill everyone anymore and more people ot to follow ideals of freedom without Robespierre telling them what to
The extent the ideas and objectives of men and women who participated in the French Revolution changed dramatically over time. People's thoughts were greed, anger, and the pridefulness they got when they created a new France. Especially because at this time they were recovering from the revolution which meant the people were more important than ever before, and it also meant that many new changes had to come. People were also prouder of the things they had done in the revolution and were also determined to make sure they got the equality they deserved as well as make sure they had no enemies to threaten all they had accomplished.
In the late eighteenth to the early nineteenth century, France was undergoing major changes. Before the French Revolution, France was experiencing political, social and economic problems. During this time period France was unstable, and wasn’t able to keep up with the new arising Enlightenment ideas. In addition, there were high taxes, unequal power distribution and social inequality. The French Revolution not only impacted the citizens of France, but people from other countries as well.
France encouraged increasing closeness with other colonies. Britain took it that it would give limited support to its colonies as they moved into independance, British thought independance meant being independent of Britain. British did not let Africans teach in public school or grammar school at the
The routes of the french revolution is a cyclical incline toward the pinnacle of blood and death. Each peak of uprising was sparked by enlightenment creators highlighting the injustices of the economic and social injustices caused by the French monarchy. With a quick google search of , “Which came first, the American or the French Revolution?” many will say that the American Revolution inspired The French. However the documents that cause the American people to revolt are many of the same writings and ideas that cause France to re-evaluate their civil system. The French revolution is a product of the free form creators of The Enlightenment; without the philosophers, writers, and thinkers, the population of france would continue to live the
People try to help people when sometimes, no help is needed. During the 1800's, the more developed countries wished to expand and help to develop other nations. They did this by the process called imperialism. One of these developed countries was France, who imperialized Algeria. They did this for many reasons such as nationalism and the White Man's Burden. French Imperialism on Algeria was harmful during and after Algerian independence politically, socially and economically. It was harmful during because politically, the French took over Algeria by force and forced them to do their work. Socially harmful because the Algerians morals and way of life depleted. And economically because they were given jobs equal to lower class citizens, and did not help their economy. After independence, Algeria did not keep the changes that France had previously made politically, socially and economically. Making the whole process harmful to Algeria
They wanted to create a democracy. The French revolution became more about human rights. The bourgeoisie who were considered capitalist people realized they had little to no rights. They acquired large sums of money but with this led to more taxation from the king. They French government was so far into debt from wars the king kept raising the taxes on these people. The bourgeoisie wondered how they just helped America with freedom and now they have to find a way to achieve their own success.
Firstly, the French Revolution came directly after the American Revolution. On the foundations of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” as Thomas Jefferson said on an adaptation of John Locke’s famous quote, America was founded with new values unlike any other country at the time. Many of these values were inspired by enlightened thinkers and philosophers from Europe, including France. In fact, it can be argued that the Declaration of Independence was just a mouthpiece of Baron de Montesquieu and John Locke’s concepts. Lord Acton, an English historian claims that “the spark that changed thought [of the French people] into action was supplied by the
France, like Britain, saw the advantages of having colonies in Africa. Their reasons, unlike Britain's, were more of a political nature. The political reasoning of developing colonies abroad began with the Franco-Prussian war. This war resulted in France losing its prestige and the territory of Alsace-Lorraine, and Germany becoming the mover and shaker of Europe (Wessling 10). After this, the idea of revanche was
The French Revolution (1789-1814) was a period that affected the outcome of world history tremendously. This is considered a major turning point in European history which has led to dramatic changes in France and other regions of the world. Various social and political issues led to the start of the revolution. Politically, France suffered under the rule of Louis XVI, who ruled by absolute monarchy. Many people had their natural rights renounced and weren’t able to have a political voice. Socially, France had divided its population within 3 estates (classes). French citizens took it upon themselves to remodel their country 's’ political structure. The French Revolution had encountered both positive and negative effects. However, many Europeans viewed the Revolution as much more than just a bloody massacre. The French Revolution was used to demonstrate new ideology that would emphasize the principles of liberty and equality throughout Europe.
During the 18th century, the Enlightenment ideas were flourishing in both the American and French Revolutions. The Enlightenment perspective consisted of people searching for their social prestige, questioning authorities and believing they could create a new republic. The Americans aimed for independence and the French desired to overthrow their monarchy. The objective in both revolutions were relatively the same, to overthrow and recreate in efforts to achieve national sovereignty. However, the outcomes of the two socials worlds were radically different. The French citizens emerged more enlightenment thinkers demanding their equal rights despite regressing back to a monarch. In contrast, the Americans formed a successful democratic republic but continued inequality within their society. Furthermore, the French were significantly more revolutionary, as opposed to reactionary, than the Americans.
The French Revolution began as an expression of rebellion against centuries of absolute rule in France. After an interim of experimental liberalism under the rule of Jacobins and Girondins and then the infamous reign of terror, the people of French were drawn to a man who promised them a return to stability, and honor through the expansion of empire. France and it’s people had long yearned for this sens eof honour, it had seemed, and could finally sens eit in a lasting rpesence under the rule of their prodigious, unbeatable general, Napoleon Bonaparte. He would soon take the reigns of civil government as well and become yet another Absolutist ruler, yet this
Second largest country in Africa, tenth largest country in the world, diverse culture extending from the Mediterranean coast to the dunes of the Sahara Desert...Algeria. Even with its massive size the current status of Algeria’s economy is quivering in the lofty winds of the Tell Atlas Mountains. The economy tends to remain dominated by the state, which is accordingly a legacy of the country’s socialist post-independence development model. Hydrocarbons are the backbone for Algeria, accounting for 60% of budget revenues, 30% GDP, and 95% of export earnings. Reviewing the last five years we see the government halting privatization of state-owned industries, and increasing the restrictions of imports and foreign involvement. Algeria’s