
The Colonists Should Be Separate From Great Britain

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The American Revolution started on April 19, 1775 and lasted until September 3, 1783. This time was important in history. It will always be remembered until today. The American Revolution was the worst thing ever! The Colonist should have had independence and be separate from Great Britain. The American Revolution made people separate and not be together and have relationships with each other. The Native Americans had a hunting ground that the Colonist could not go to. The British did not treat people fairly and they made people do wrong things. The Colonist should have independence and be separate from Great Britain because the Native Americans had hunting grounds. The British did not allow Colonist to go on or to the hunting grounds. In the text it stated that. "The Native Americans used the reserved land for "hunting grounds" and King George hoped it would not cause any costly wars between the Colonist and Indians. The Colonist wanted to use this ground and go to it but The British did not allow them to. This would cause a war and the British would join in and take over and end up owning the land and it would be hard for everyone. The British made it hard for everyone that went to the land. They would have made them pay taxes, they would work, and much more. …show more content…

The British did not treat colonist fairly they treated them very poorly. They shot at innocent people for no reason according to the text. That was the start of the Boston Massacre that started in 1770. The British government also collected taxes and charged taxes over the colonies. The colonies did not want these laws and taxes and because of that they were treated very poorly. They did not want England to have control over

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