
The Collective Conscience Of Reality Tv Analysis

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With a click of a button, we can see the whole world in our living room on a high definition wide screen. One of the many things that appears on television is reality shows. Reality TV has taken the world by storm, gaining the interest of an audience from all around the globe. These shows normally consist of people who have never been on TV or untrained actors/actresses who are trying to gain a foothold in the cinematic industry. Little did they know that they were in for more than they signed up for. In her 2014 The Atlantic column “ The Collective Conscience of Reality Television,” Serena Elavia argues, an increase in viewer ratings has a significant influence on what appears on reality TV shows which encourages irrational behavior by reality …show more content…

Her first example introduces the reader to the viewers reaction on what they like or dislike, “ MTV found itself facing backlash after the series premiere of Jersey Shore when trailers for upcoming episodes showed Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi getting punched in the face at a bar by a stranger ”(221). This example presents the audiences’ concern for “Snooki,” so in return the audience lashed out on the producers. As a result of this repercussion the network took the scene down. Elavia’s use of this example reveals that viewers play a bigger role in what appears on reality TV shows than they know. In a matter of seconds, viewers are capable of reaching out to the producers and the network and having something of their desire be shown on TV. “ The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Former cast member Taylor Armstrong discussed on-camera her husband Russell’s physical abuse toward her and her five-year old daughter throughout seasons one and two”(221). The second season of Beverly Hills had the highest viewer ratings than any other season. Once again, Elavia brings to our attention that viewer interests play a monumental part in what producers and the network are willing to display on TV. Even though sometimes the audience becomes vocal about the violence depicted on TV, other times it leads to hits. This particular piece of evidence further supports Elavia’s claim because the viewers did not disapprove of what was being shown to them, so the network has free rein to show whatever they fancy. Sometimes to show, on TV, the viewers their preferred TV dramas comes with a cost that has to be paid by no one other than the reality stars themselves. “ A year later during season three of the Beverly Hills series, another housewife, Brandi

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