Nutria once lived only in southern South America, but have now traveled around the world. In many areas including Canada and more than a dozen U.S. States. Nutria were originally brought to North America for fur ranching. But during World War 2 fur prices collapsed and many ranchers lost interest. Some of the nutria escaped from these farms, while others were released by their owners because the ranch had failed. Female Nutria have 2-3 litters every year, each having 4-5 young. These animals mature quickly and stay with their mother for only a month or two. The young are fully active when born, they are able to swim and destroy marsh within 5 days of birth. Nutria eat tall grasses and rushes which are vital to the regions marshy wetlands.
The article “Nutria, Eating Louisianas Coast” goes into great detail about nutria rats and their effects on the Louisiana area. It also presents the reader with facts that prove what the author is explaining.
The mating season is year round and once they’re pregnant the, length of gestation is one hundred thirty days to one hundred ninety days. (The gestation for a human is two times longer.) They only have one offspring at birth. After birth the young latch onto the backs of their mother and stay until a year of age.
Usaquen was a colonial town and today is one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in northern Bogota.
In 1983, a disease known as CNSB-1 was spotted in South America. By 1985 the disease has traveled to north america by airplane. When 1990 came around, every major city has been affected. Quarantine zones were established in the poorest parts or town. The disease was cured in 1995 but it still claimed the lives of 49,920,000 people in america. Progress had slowed down to a crawl and the economy was left in shambles after the U.S government put all of it’s resources in destroying CNSB-1 before it destroyed their nation. 1998 comes along and the quarantine zones are still around, only now filled with a new type or sickness.Terrorist gangs inhabit them and live by randomly raiding surrounding communities. For those who live in such areas, the only
They exhibit a polygynous mating system, which means they have one-male and multi-female groups. The male’s large home ranges envelop the home ranges of several females. The males will mate with all the females in their home range and even some in extending home ranges. Females will also mate with members of different home ranges. The two remain together for several days while mating and will copulate several times in that period. Litters are usually fathered by one male, and the males will defend and mark their territory while mating. Females will mate every other year from May to August. They will stay in heat from June to August, and most mating will occur in June or July. Most interestingly females display a delayed implantation where the embryo is not implanted immediately at copulation but actually waits in diapause for about six months. Fertilized eggs develop to the blastocyst and will remain there until implantation to the uterine wall which typically occurs in the months from December to February. This means pregnancy may last anywhere from 120 to 272 days. Which will depend on when the embryo is fertilized and when it is implanted. Parturition is perfectly timed for the optimum survival of their young, which is usually when the most food is available. Females build snow-dens to birth and nurse their young. They typically have two dens, a natal den for giving birth and then when this den is
Obtain Food: They grew crops of corn, beans, pumpkins, and squash. The rainfall made the land very potent for growing crops and keeping up with a farm. During the winter they hunted buffalo, although they are mainly agricultural. Animals in the area included Bison, deer, elk, bear, porcupine, antelope, prairie dogs, eagles, and wolves.
resides in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This species is migratory through most of its range,
Nutria are large semiaquatic rodents that appear to look like beavers with long, thin tails, however they are considered to be an invasive species. They survive in swamplands and typically other wetlands surrounding Louisiana. These organisms have created a problem to the Louisiana environment by creating openings in the marsh vegetation that sustains the Louisiana coastline and by weakening flood control levees that protect low-lying areas. Nutria are also known for their high procreative rates. Because of this, maintaining a well balance between the factors of supply and demand are difficult. Preventive measures and other available techniques have been presented in order to alleviate ongoing damage and to reduce the levels of damage already
The nutria, also known as the river rat or the coypu, is an invasive specie because it can destroy the land. Nutria are rodents similar to the capybara because of its body shape and brown fur. It is also similar to beavers
Presently, 6.8 billion people exist on the Earth today. Combined, the entirety of farmland needed for these billions of people to be fed is equivalent to the size of South America. The population of Earth is still steadily increasing. Populations are expected to continue rising to 9.6 billion within the year 2050. Each one of these extra people also needing more healthy food, clean water, space, and energy to survive. When these extra bodies arrive, in addition to crop late the size of South America, an extra plot the size of Brazil will also be needed. This is not even including the land that every other creature on the planet needs to survive. When this is added to the calculation, eighty percent of dry land will need to be dedicated to
To defend their territory, they whistle to each other and they use their large, round ears to hear the calls. When baby Pikas get old enough, the usually settle near to their parents. Pikas are known for their small body (18 to 22 cm) and they have no tail. They usually live about 3 to 6 years. They come in black, brown, grey, white and tan.
Now I am going to tell you some interesting facts about these beautiful creatures today. Well usually their life span is one
The Marten lives all over Canada and Alaska. It can also sometimes be found in Oregon, Seattle, and Upper California. It will live anywhere in
They reproduce rapidly, as generally it is the case with small prey animals. No matter how well they are cared for, they possess somewhat short life span. Generally they have short gestational periods and their quick sexual maturity makes effective rodent control decisive. The reproductive cycle and the number of these rodent’s offspring increases with sufficient water, food and harbourage.
Snow leopards lead solitary life in rocky, alpine habitats at very high altitudes reaching 4500 meters. Mating occurs between January and March, followed by roughly 3 months of gestation and litter of 2-3 cubs in the spring. They are born blind in a rocky den on fur lining and stay with their mother for 22 months. After becoming independent, they seek new hunting territories and reach sexual maturity at age 3. Due to their reclusive nature, there are no precise data, but its assumed they live up to 18 years in the wild and 21 years in captivity.