
The Cold War : A New History

Decent Essays

The Cold War lasted for forty years, from 1945 to 1985. Few historians took the time to address the events as they unfolded thus leaving most people with little or no explanations of the development of the war. During this fearful period, nine presidents served Americans and each president thought that the war carried a lot of dangers for forty five years. Accordingly, young Americans, Soviets and other citizens of the world require the services of a scholar with extraordinary gifts to provide insight why nine cold war presidents and several other nations deployed vast resources against an empire scrambled so clumsily in the end. With respect to this need and desire, the author of The Cold War: A New History presents an excellently documented panoramic view of the Cold War with full illuminations and shrewd judgments that bring the four decades of United States-Soviet enmity to life for the general readers.
The Thesis
In this book, Gaddis asserts that the cold war was both inevitable and necessary because the Soviet empire and its allies could not be rolled back but had to be contained. At the end of the war, no country had physically or directly launched an attack on the other. Accordingly, the central thesis of the book is that the Cold War brought an end to the use of military strength and ability as the defining characteristics of power as perceived five years before the start of Cold War. For instance, Gaddis says, “What never happened, despite universal fears that it

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