
The Classical Er The Baroque Period And The Baroque Era

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When the Baroque era ended around 1750, we were introduced to an evolved musical world: The Classical Era. Beginning in 1750, revolution severely altered the way politics and social order were handled and discussed. Twenty-five years later in fact, we entered the American Revolution, and fourteen years after that, The French Revolution began. Around that time we were also introduced to Benjamin Franklin’s electricity discoveries and Edward Jenner’s discovery of small pox vaccination that would later save many, many lives. Mass production of products was made possible thanks to inventions like James Hargreaves’ spinning jenny and Eli Whitney’s cotton gin. This era was also known as The Age of Reason, and was known for a period called “The Enlightenment”. In this period, human reasoning became a popular value among everyone and was thought to be a source of power and knowledge. It was believed that by increasing your power and knowledge, you were increasing your goodness. Rococo and neoclassicism became popular in art. Rococo was considered delicate, elegant, and witty with extreme lines of Baroque shining through. It was 18th century “court-like” style. Examples of Rococo can be found in paintings like “The Swing”; while straying from the art of Baroque, they were not quite classical either. Neoclassicism was a backlash at Rococo for being “too frivolous”. It was all about clean lines and balance, they were back to idolizing the ancient Greeks and the Romans. The painting

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