
The Civil Rights Movement vs. The Black Liberation Movement Essay

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On The Duty of Civil Disobedience, written by Henry David Thoreau, explains that civil disobedience is the act of standing for your beliefs even though they are against the law. Thoreau goes on to say that the government (because it is ruled by the majority) is not always right for everyone especially the individual and the minority. Over the course of American history, there have been many different groups formed for the purpose of civil disobedience. The two that I am going to focus on are the activists of the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panthers of the Black Liberation Movement. The Civil Rights Movement began in 1954 with the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education. It was basically lead by Martin Luther King Jr. …show more content…

The purpose if this movement was to gain equality for
Black Americans. The activists of the Civil Rights Movement were protesting for things like the integration of schools and other public places, and equal rights under the law. Martin Luther King was striving for his people to be seen and treated as equals to their white counterparts. The protest would mostly consist of sit-ins, marching, and boycotting. The activists of this movement preached non-violence and peaceful protest. For example, during many sit-ins the police would get involved. Usually this meant violence, but not by the civil rights activists who were taught not to retaliate. The protestors would take brutal beatings and do nothing in return (Small). On the other hand is the Black Liberation movement, which was headed by the Black Panthers. This movement leaned more towards black separation in order to form their own equal communities. The Panthers believed that Black Americans would never be equals in a “white world” and therefore they must form their own. Not only did the Black Liberation Movement believe in separation, they also believed that aggression was needed to reach this goal. In the official Black Panther Party Platform and Program the Second Amendment, which is the right to bear arms, is

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