The Civil Injunction Process
The Civil Injunction Process
The following scenario presents key players in any law enforcement agency, possible dialogs, inter-agency politics, and concerns when change is proposed. The facts come from an actual experience in Redondo Beach, California. This study is about using the "Civil Injunction Process" against street gangs.
I believe that the North Side Protectors gang was allowed to continue with their roles and delinquency in the community of Rio Sellas for so long because the Police Department didn’t file a civil injunction order against the gang members sooner. In the past the police department didn’t put their
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They would also get a law order to protect the entire city against the gangs in the city. With this tempo getting started and showing positive results the Police Department was able to request other agencies to get involved where needed. Like for instance the task force that maintained surveillance with provided and eye on these gang members and created reports that would help the police department know of all activities of these gangs that would result in future sting operations and raids.
This temporary restraining order is often also called an exparte restraining order because it is assigned in a hearing that is held without the defendant being given the opportunity to present his case. The Temporary Restraining Order can give the gang a rapid pause on their situational awareness. They will soon understand that they will not be able to operate as they have been in the past. Whether they find a way around the order sanction by the Justice Department to continue doing their crimes in the communities or they will most likely move to another city that they don’t have to deal with the Law enforcements and the orders that have been applied in the community they are living I
While using a Temporary Restraining Order you can receive resistance from the gang members or close family, or their lawyers saying that their rights are being violated.
“Gangs have morphed from social organizations into full-fledged criminal enterprises” (Thomas, 2009, para 5). Gangs are highly sophisticated and more dangerous then ever. The number one reason to join a gang is money; and 95 percent of gangs profit comes from drug dealing
T.A.R.G.E.T is an acronym for Tri Agency Gang Enforcement Team represents a multiagency approach to targeting current gang members with suppression measures while also targeting entire gangs with police suppression. Each team in the TARGET program consists of gang investigators, a probation officer, a deputy district attorney, and a district attorney investigator. This program uses a three-pronged strategy: 1 selective incarceration of the most violent and repeat older gang offenders in the most violent gangs, 2 the enforcement of probation controls graduated sanctions and intensive supervision on younger, less violent gang offenders, and 3 arrests of gang leaders in “hot spots” of gang activity. A major aim of the TARGET program is to reduce
In the above mentioned case, “Kansas City, Mo., Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives” teams took down these seven gang members (United States Attorney’s Office).
The first chapter of Policing Gangs in America is entitled, “Studying the Police Response to Gangs.” The primary purpose of the chapter is to establish how police agencies; Inglewood, Las Vegas, Albuquerque and Phoenix in specific,
Fleisher & Decker (2001), note that there are several factors that can impede a successful integration back into the community when it comes to gang members. First, gangs are comprised of a vast network type system. Within this system there are countless members who become associates, this relationship does not have to include the same crime. The criminal link can be broad and range from misdemeanor crime to severe crime. Further, this is not only a complex network, but a social system where criminal activity is accepted. Therefore, desistance is an obstacle for offenders, especially if they remain in contact with these individuals. Also, gangs do not go away just because key members go to jail or prison. There are always others there to
The Short North Posse terrorized the Wienland Park neighborhood since the early 1990’s. The north side gang became so entrenched in violence, local police and prosecutors teamed up with the Federal Bureau of Investigation an issued the largest federal murder indictment in history in the state of Ohio. The Columbus Dispatch reported that in 2014, “Law enforcement around central Ohio, collaborated with the FBI on a two-year investigation that lead to a twenty-five count indictment that included 11 murder charges.” A person could possibly entertain the idea that since the gang members were indicted and brought to justice, the system is running a course and the problem is under control. Nevertheless, the majority of sensible people might successfully flirt with the notion that if Columbus had a well-established anti-gang program throughout the community, these nine men and two women would have never lost their lives to senselessness. Gangs such as the Short North Posse, that often referred themselves as the “Cut Throat Committee” could have possibly been avoided if the city took an earlier initiative to curb the rise in gang activity by applying awareness programs and interventions.
Throughout the years, many plausible solutions to gang violence have been presented. A commonly thought of solution to gang violence is to punish and arrest gang members. People want anyone who is in contact with gangs locked up, but that will only make gangs rebel more. By doing so, the streets would be rid of gangs, but jails would be overpopulated with them. It may seem like having gangs in jail would solve the problem, but gang leaders being in jail does not stop a gang from continuing what they’re doing. Arresting gang members teaches nothing except for children to hate the authorities. “From 1985 to 1994, the number of American youths arrested for murder increased 158%, to more than 2,200” (Teen Gangs and Crime, 1996). If a child resents the authorities, they would be more likely to join a gang that goes against authorities. Officials are aware that they cannot arrest their way out of gang violence, and they have to take positive measures (Parks & Recreation, 2009). The most important thing to remember is “To treat this not
In todays United States we have a huge problem affecting society, gangs and the violence that follows them wherever they go. These days’ gangs aren’t just compiled of grown adults, they often lure in young teens to do dirty work and to add numbers to their turf. Despite laws aimed straight at these gangs they still defy the law and wreak havoc upon the territory that they claim. The members in the gang have a gang first mentality and will do everything possible to provide for and protect their fellow members. They will very rarely snitch on their own to help put a stop to some of the meaningless crimes committed by these savages.
Gangs pose a threat to the safety of United States prisons by performing illegal activities and the encouraging violence. It is important to develop strategies to reduce gang recruitment, limit their influence, and sanction their misconduct in order to create a safe environment for all prisoners. With this, inmates that are involved in gangs should be put under twenty four-hour lockdown. By isolating these members, prisons will be able to limit their influence.
“Prisons began to bulge with gang members when states enacted tougher laws for gang-related crime in the mid to late 1980s.”(Martinez) On one hand the laws enacted helped get gang members off the street, but in another way it backfired by not stopping the gangs’ activity. “In many ways their number and power grew even more in prison.”(Martinez) The problem of gangs and violence has been addressed many times throughout the years by the United States Correctional Board but the board has yet to take the problem seriously.
Due to these apparent successes, the problem-focused approach has been used to address a diverse array of problems such as gangs, drugs, school crime and the management of police call for service in urban, suburban and even rural communities. The exploration of possible responses to a problem is handled by police officers. Once a problem is identified, officers are expected to work closely with the community members to develop a solution, which can include a wide range of alternatives to arrest. These may focus on the offender, the community, the environment, outside agencies, or the need for some kind of mediation. Problem-oriented policing grew out of twenty years of research into police practices, and differs from traditional policing strategies in many significant ways. For example, problem-oriented policing enables police agencies to be more effective. Currently, police agencies commit most of their time to responding to calls for service. Problem-oriented policing offers a more effective strategy by addressing the
The problem of gangs persists and lives are still being lost today. Gangs are truly are an assault on whatever community they are in. They tear at the very fabric of family and community life. There have been many attempts to solve the problem of gangs, but most were not backed up by data or hard evidence and therefore they are difficult to assess. One factor as to why gangs cannot be stopped permanently
Many citizens have become annoyed with the crime in their neighborhoods. They have organized block watches, citizen patrols, along with neighborhood cleanups, and started harassing slumlords that allow drug dealers to use their properties. (Brown Art. 122). Among many of the crime fighting tools, the involvement of
The purpose of this paper is to review and verify a recent study by Scott H. Decker of the University of Missouri – St. Louis, entitled Collective and Normative Features in Gang Violence (Decker & VanWinkle, 1996). The study will attempt to address why our local increase in gang violence has reached monumental heights causing an increase in gang members appearing your court.
Gang crimes, such as graffiti, burglaries, murder and extortion, are devastating to a community’s well-being and sense of security. “The vast majority of violent incidents involving gang members continue to result from fights over