
The City Council 's Radar

Decent Essays

After a final swig of Bacardi a figure stumbles down an empty street in a drunken stupor. He settles down on the steps of the infamous Mckell housing commission in Redfern just two blocks from Sydney’s Central Station. His name is Tyson, he is 13 years old.

Below the skylines located in the heart of Sydney City lies the once proud McKell Housing commission, a collection of flats that once hosted a vibrant living environment for poor families in need. However it is now an epicenter of drug abuse and violence with its most vulnerable victims being the next generation of Australia, its children.
Tyson and Jai are amongst the many children aged between 10 and 16 who live in and around the area of Redfern. In the lives of these youths, fleeing the police is an everyday occurrence. Could this be part of an overarching social issue that has flown under the City Council’s radar? Or rather blatant neglect by the system in place?
With crime being rampant and methamphetamine abuse in the area said to be multiple times higher than the state of NSW itself. Many children were forced to bypass their adolescence, moving forth into an extremely rough life often filled with drugs and other illicit activities. Studies have linked over 70% of youth crime with alcohol intoxication and is a problem in lower income areas. Alcoholism amongst the youth, however, is product of a larger social issue.
“There ain’t much to do in dis area bruv, schools boring but liquor keeps me alive hey” Tyson

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