Breath of life
Composed of various systems, the human body exists as a complex and sophisticated machine that carries out intricate tasks, crucial for life. The most vital of these is the circulatory system. The combination of the heart, lungs, arteries, and veins make up this highly important system. Transporting nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs, while also discarding waste products remain the main purpose. Three separate systems, the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and systemic all work together with the sole intention of circulating blood and nutrients through the body. Through the beating of the heart, circulation to the lungs, and transportation of oxygen rich blood throughout the body, each human being has the ability to inhale and exhale effortlessly, while our body works efficiently to complete the essential task of the circulatory system. The circulatory system works in a cycle that repeats itself sixty to one hundred times a minute. A single complete heartbeat makes up one cardiac cycle (Toro).
Functioning as a rapid delivery system, bringing molecules of nutrients and oxygen to each cell, and enabling the diffusion process are the roles of the circulatory system. Through blood vessels, moved by the internal pump, the heart, blood carries molecules of nutrients and oxygen. In both systemic and pulmonary circuits, veins move blood towards the heart, while arteries transport blood away from the heart. Also entitled the blood circulatory system, the
The circulatory system and the respiratory system work closely together to ensure that organ tissues and systems receive enough oxygen. Oxygen is required for cellular functions such as cell respiration. This is so the body’s organs and cells can work at fully; it is done by releasing chemical energy with in stored foods. The air breathed in and held in the lungs is transferred to the blood. The blood is circulated by the heart, which pumps the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the body organs and returns with deoxygenated blood.
The body needs to circulate glucose and oxygen rich blood to the cells within the body and remove carbon dioxide waste from the muscle. This role is specifically dedicated to the cardiovascular system. The heart, veins, arteries and capillaries make up the cardiovascular system.
The cardiovascular system is the process of the heart pumping the blood around the body through blood vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries. The main functions of the system are to transport materials to and from the cells around the body, to assist in temperature, to keep the levels of fluid in the body at the correct level, to distribute heat around the body and to defend the body. This system is the heart, which is a muscle that pumps blood around the body through arteries, veins and capillaries. Blood transports oxygen to the body cells which helps them to metabolise energy in the body. During this process the blood is also getting rid of any waste products of respiration, carbon dioxide and water. Blood also helps to supply heat, hormones, nutrients, salts and urea around the body. The heart is placed in between the lungs which is protected by the rib cage and is the size of a fist.
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels. The cardiovascular system is the major transport of materials to and from the cells. Blood is carried from the heart around the body via the arteries and the blood is then carried back to the heart via the veins. The
Transportation has many roles in the cardiovascular system. First, our blood carries oxygen from our lungs to all of our tissues. While taking oxygen to our tissues, it also picks up carbon dioxide from them and takes it to our lungs to be removed from our body. Second, it delivers nutrients from our digestive tract to all of our body’s tissues. Third, it takes waste to our kidney’s to be removed from our body. Fourth, it
skeleton, which provides the pulling power for us to move around. The main job of the muscular
The human body is a very complex organism composed of different types of systems and functions. All the functions that each system has, is what makes possible for the body to obtain life. One of the most important systems in one’s body is the circulatory system, where the heart, the lungs, and the blood vessels work together to form the circle part of the circulatory system. The pumping of the heart forces the blood on its journey. The body’s circulatory system really has three parts: pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, and systemic circulation. Each part must be working independently in order for them to all work together. However, when one of the parts of the circulatory system does not
The Circulatory system is responsible for the transport of blood throughout the body. The Circulatory system has many organs. The main components are the heart, the blood, and the blood vessels. It also consists of arteries, arterioles,
1.The fluid surrounding tissue cells is called? interstitial fluid.2.What are the functions performed by the circulatory system?-The circulatory system supplies oxygen and nutrients to our body by working with the respiratory system.- It also helps carry waste and carbon dioxide out of the body3.What is the fluid type that holds many of the human body fluids? Intracellular fluid4. Name fluids that are nearly identical in content except for proteins. Plasma and interstitial fluids.5.What function of blood is most critical to life on a second to second basis? Blood Regulation6.What fluid has the highest concentration of proteins? Intracellular fluids7.What is the most prevalent positive ion in interstitial fluids? Sodium8.What is the principal
The heart, blood and blood vessels make up the basis of the cardiovascular system also known as the circulatory system. The average human body contains approximately 5 litres of blood which is carried around the body via a network of blood vessels split into three types; arteries, veins and capillaries. The arteries are the largest of the three vessels and carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart and are smaller than arteries, then finally the smallest vessels known as capillaries distribute the oxygen rich blood to organs whilst simultaneously picking up the waste carbon dioxide and water from the organs to transport back to the heart where it can be pumped into the lungs to be exhaled.
Composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, the cardiovascular system is the body system that carries out the tasks of pumping and transporting blood, oxygen, nutrients, and waste products, and other substances throughout the body.
Blood is one of the most vital components of the human body. The blood carries many functions such as to supply oxygen to the bodies tissues, remove metabolic waste products, regulate our core temperature as well as fighting infection and foreign bodies (Glover, 1997). The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and its vessels. The heart is an involuntary muscle which receives blood to the atrias, which is then pumped via the ventricles. The vessels are composed of three main types. Arteries, veins and capillaries; all which transport blood throughout the entirety of the body. The constant action of both the vessels and heart ensure that the body receives a continuous supply of blood, keeping us within our homeostatic limits.
Did you know the circulatory system comprises the heart, veins, capillaries and arteries? The system moves pure oxygenated blood in a continuous and controlled way from the lungs and heart so that blood can reaches every cell. Blood travels through a type of network of vessels that include capillaries that permeate every tissue of the body. Once it’s depleted of oxygen, the blood returns to the lungs and heart and the cycle continues.
veins to the tissues of the body. These walls do not let out blood but