
The Church Of Scientology's Beliefs

Decent Essays

When discussing scientology there will be talk of the powerful Xenu or how all of the humans are aliens from another planet. The reason why these are the most known topics about scientology are because these topics are the ones most shrouded with mystery. The church of scientology is constantly trying to cover up the top most tier of their religion. They however have many other beliefs that are open to the public. These however aren’t tied to the history of Xenu or the fact that every one of us are aliens but more geared towards the humanitarian effort and teaching people how to deal with relationships. Through this section of the paper, the church of scientology’s beliefs will be brought to light.
First, there is a need for an understanding …show more content…

The most important of these three is communication. When dealing with this there is a heavy stress that without communication every relationship will be destined to fail. The other two parts are going to be a lot less important but if you were to fail on these sides, the whole triangle will fail. Reality will be the accepting of what is real in the universe such as the Thetans and Xenu. Affinity will be more geared towards your relationships. It will deal with whether not you like someone or something. As a scientologist you need to examine your world and find constantly be thinking of upholding this triangle. When you go deeper into relationships of scientology you can get into the emotional tone …show more content…

This scale will go as low as 0.0, which will represent the dead. As the number, goes up it will represent someone that is grieving or resents someone. Finding the emotion of someone on this scale is essential because Hubbard believed being able to understand this scale, you will be able to understand how someone will react. For a normal person they can move up and down this scale every few minutes or you can stay at the lower rungs forever. Normally people are at a 2.8(Contented) on this scale and can get up to a 4.0(Enthusiasm) and stay there consistently however there are scales even above this maxing out at 40.0(Serenity of Beingness). Using this scale is essential to making all your interactions and relationships better. Scientology represents trying to know oneself better and this is where it differs from most religions. They represent a world where you will be able to understand everything in the world as long as you follow their path. Following these scales and triangles will help you with the people that you know and yourself but they go beyond that with the eight

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