Over the past few months at my placement of the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), my knowledge of community nursing expanded far beyond what I had expected. This expansion came about from the many situations I encountered and the reflection process that has followed. One particular situation that I believe largely expanded my knowledge involved a patient named Julia. For confidentiality purposes, a pseudonym was used for the patient who is referred to in this reflection.
Julia is a sixteen-year-old female who came into the CAS medical clinic for a birth control prescription. Throughout my time at CAS, I have experienced other girls in a situation similar to Julia’s so I knew this was a common subject at the clinic. In view of these previous experiences, I understood that when working with Julia, or any other patient for that matter, I must continuously advocate for these them and their sexual health needs, even if I do not agree with their choices. It is also crucial that I remember the fact many of the teenage females who are patients at the medical clinic have had very difficult pasts and may have turned to sexual intercourse at a young age as a result. Thus, I believe it is my responsibility as a student nurse to advocate for those sexually active and possibly pregnant females who are patients of the medical clinic. I must also ensure they are given the correct information pertaining to these topics, which may include details pertaining to the various
As of recently, the approval of the emergency contraceptive Plan B, for the use of girls as young as fifteen years old has stirred up quite some controversy (Belluck, 2013). Those who oppose it cite the diminishing moral values that this would impose on an already increasingly secular society. These individuals believe that having access to such a powerful substance would encourage young girls to engage in sexual promiscuity without any fear of repercussion (Belluck, 2013). However, proponents of this new law argue that giving full access to fifteen year old girls would discourage them from becoming pregnant at such an early age and gives them the opportunity to make wise decisions about their bodies. Aside from the two strongly opposing sides to this dilemma, the actual nature of the dilemma stems from the ease with which these young girls would be able to access the emergency contraceptive drug. Before the new law came into place, the emergency contraceptive was only available through the prescription of a doctor and could only be accessed through a pharmacist (Aleccia, 2013). With the new law, anyone fifteen or older would be able to access and purchase the drug over-the-counter. Granting such access to girls who may at times not be fully aware of the consequences of their actions is the nature of the dilemma.
The children’s aid foundation was created in 1979 by a group of philanthropists who came together, to ensure that Canadian children would always have the recourses needed to thrive and succeed. Their plan was to create an endowment fund to create the Children’s aid foundation. In the Children’s Aid Foundation’s first year, it raised 49,400 dollars for 6 different programs that helped benefit
The Industrialization of America brought about improved transportation, manufacturing systems, and new job opportunities. The prospect of fortune led to an influx of immigrants, which in 1907 alone saw 1.2 million immigrants enter the United States and settle along the major cities on the East Coast (Chiodo & Meliza, 2014). The growing number of immigrants coming to America led to over crowdedness, and poor living conditions. The unhygienic living conditions and meager health care led to early deaths of working parents, leaving a growing number of orphaned or abandoned children behind.
Some of the life experiences that are featured in this life case video are about four teenagers named Andrew, Emily, Leah, and Chantal who share their stories about their time with the Children's Aid Society (C.A.S.). Andrew is a 17 year-old that use to work with the C.A.S. and switched from group home to group home plenty of times. He then lost the support of the C.A.S. because he refused to go to school or work and that is the policy for the system. Near the end of the film, he couldn't get along with living with his sister so he moved to another place but unfortunately got kicked out and is now living with an older man. Emily is a 18 year-old that has been in the system ever since she was young who changed foster homes several times and
Heidi, the children’s teacher, volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic charity that helps families by providing food and clothing resources for those in need. Kay becomes a client and Heidi progresses into Kay’s first advocate for change. As the days carry on and the landlord not allowing home inspectors to come into the home; he begins criminally harassing the family with threats of calling the Children’s Aid Society The feeling of debilitation was visibly portrayed and illustrated a notable imbalance of power.
Within the pro-choice world there are many issues that are discussed like abortion, the instant where life begins and the use of contraceptives. This article will focus on not only the issue of using of contraceptives, but specifically the distribution of oral contraceptives (“the pill”) to teenage girls without their parent’s consent.
The Aid to Families with Dependent Children organization claims to be a resource that offers money to mothers who are in need of assistance. Society believes that mothers who use this resource are reliant on the system and are unwilling to find employment to become independent. Those who invoke this premise could be no further from the truth. Substantial evidence proves that single mothers who use this system do not have sufficient means to support themselves and their children. For this reason, mothers are forced to find additional provisions that will help pay expenses and income, and in many cases, these mothers are still left with almost no earnings at the end of the month. To help expose these disingenuous ideas, Kathryn Edin from the Russell Sage Foundation uncovers the truth of how this system works.
This essay will discuss the role of the adult nurse in a recovery setting, within the specific context of Nurse Joy and her patient Linda. It will explore the professional values and attitudes of the recovery nurse. Also, it will demonstrate how effective, holistic and evidence-based nursing can impact on patient experience and care. To explore these topics, this essay will discuss the episode of care given by Nurse Joy to Linda. It will show that her practice adhered to the expected standards of nursing while showing compassion respect and dignity of the patient. A reflection will conclude the essay, explaining what impact the experience of observing Nurse Joy’s practice had on the author of this essay. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery council’s code of conduct 2015, all patients and healthcare professionals have pseudonyms to protect their confidentiality and anonymity.
Patient name is Jennifer, she is a 15-year-old Middlefield High School Student. She made an appointment with Dr.Wilson an Ob-gyn, for the first time. While doing “New Patient History” she’s asked, “Are you sexually active?”. She hesitated and said that the appointment will be charged to her parents’ insurance and asked would their conversation be confidential. Dr. Wilson replies “Conversations that teens have with their physicians about matters of sexuality and drug use are kept confidential. We want you to be able to discuss things that are of concern to you and your health without feeling that we will ‘tell on you’ to your parents or anyone else.” Jennifer admits that she recently entered a pact with her friends. Each girl promised the others she would get pregnant within the next year. “And I want you to be my
Through communication with the two girls the nurse finds out that they have both been participating in sex parties and engaging sexually with multiple partners. At this point, the nurse is torn with multiple ethical dilemmas and is torn with how to maintain the confidentiality that was promised. Applying a combination of ethical theories the nurse can identify how to best handle these ethical dilemmas. It is important that the nurse communicates the need for treatment for cervical cancer and that having her parents consent is most likely going to be necessary. Virtue ethics can be applied here as it is about an individual of good character doing the right thing. The nurse communicates the severity of her diagnosis and through guidance may be able to create understanding of her patients need to inform her parents.
Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death among girls ages 15-19 in LMIC’s (Morris & Rushwan, 2015). The primary reason for these preventable death-causing complications is that teenagers are not properly supplied with contraceptives. Due to these unplanned and unwanted pregnancies approximately 4.5 million teenage girls undergo an abortion each year, with an estimated 3 million of them being performed unsafely (Morris & Rushwan, 2015). Some detrimental complications that may occur from an unsafe abortion are “cervical tearing, perforated uterus and bowel, hemorrhage, chronic pelvic infection and abscesses, infertility, endotoxic shock, renal failure, and death (Morris & Rushwan).” These are potential health problems that can haunt these young girls for the rest of their lives. By arming them with ways to avoid these unwanted pregnancies as community healthcare nurses we can spare them from these torturous side effects. Public health nurses can play a vital role in educating teenage girls on the different methods, benefits, and informatics of contraceptives available to them.
Counselors who work with pregnant adolescents and adolescents with sexually transmitted diseases must be aware of the ethical and legal issues that will arise, the individual characteristics of high risk youth, family problem related to at-risk youth, school issues that might impact at-risk youth, and the prevention, intervention and treatment options. In working with adolescents engaged in risky, sexual behavior, it is imperative for counselors to demonstrate empathy towards them. Counselors cannot be judgmental. They need to respect their client. To effectively counsel an adolescent like Amy Briggs in To Save a Life (2009), it is imperative for the counselor to educate themselves on the issues adolescents go through daily and to understand
Many female students reveal how healthcare providers treated them as if they are irresponsible, reckless, and simpleminded during their appointments. Jasmine, a twenty-year-old, reflected on her trip to the university health services and how one physician, upon viewing her results disparagingly accosted her for having unsafe sex. In response, Jasmine felt ashamed and attacked claiming that, “someone in the health field should be objective about it and should be there to help you and to answer questions and not say, ‘You’ve done the wrong thing.’” (Nack, 2002, p.475). It is the clinician’s role to be supportive towards all patients. However, with adolescent women in new environments, there is a greater need for sensitivity because often these women have nowhere else to
Debates about including sexual health education have taken place among society. Many people mistakenly relate sex instructions with motivating teenagers to have sexual intercourse. On the contrary, sexuality is not only based on the sexual behavior, but on a complete array of other topics, such as abstinence, human reproduction, pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual health. In fact, sex education is necessary because sexuality is an essential part of each person´s identity.
“My mom always knew that someday it would happen, I mean she always hoped that it would happen at an appropriate age, but above all she wanted me to be protected from disease and unplanned pregnancy”, said Jessica. Birth control, condoms, and disease prevention were at the core of the sex education she received. In Jessica’s opinion she’s was extremely appreciative of the comprehensive teachings from her mother when she became