
The Characters Of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte DArthur?

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A knight’s role in society during the middle ages is to be a sacrificial pawn to the king. During the medieval times, the knight class is under the king and lords classes; however, they were also within the nobility class. In exchange for land and food, they are obligated to assist and support their lord and king.They must be physically and mentally prepared to forfeit their lives when they fight for and protect their lord no matter the occasion. According to the code of chivalry, they must serve their king and remain loyal always. In addition, a knight cannot act on their own accord if the consequences include betrayal of the king, thus they must remain selfless. All the knights have their flaws; however, the other three knights within Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, cannot compete with Sir Gawain since he’s the persona of the most exemplary knight. Originating from the very beginning of Le Morte d’Arthur, Sir Launcelot’s loyalty to the king is continuous questionable. Sir Gawain confronts Sir Launcelot and brands him as a “traitor” to the king and queen, hence stating he has betrayed them in one shape or form (Malory 129). Sir Gawain is battling Sir Launcelot to seek “good [my] revenge” since he is also the “issue of the king and a queen” (Malory 129-37). He is fighting in the king’s stead rather than his own personal reasoning. Regardless of Sir Launcelot’s reason, he should not have let his lust overpower him and have him express his love the queen. It is a sign

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