
The Characteristics Of Gothic Literature

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A Gothic novel is one which incorporates modes of literature such as horror, the setting, suspense, superstition, atmosphere, horror etc. In the story Dracula the author shows these traits in various sections of the story that makes it a lot more interesting and it is one of the the main characteristics beside the various other features that makes this story great. Dracula was published by . Surely there are many other novels such as Frankenstein, The Vampyre etc, but Dracula is one of the prime example of a Gothic novel that has a lot of different attributes that make the story distinct from the others. Mr.Bram Stoker in his phenomenal book Dracula encompasses the different Gothic traits, how they make the story extremely intriguing and engaging and have a significant effect on the story. Horror is one of the characteristics of Gothic story and it has been depicted in an outstanding way in the story. Moreover, many people find horror as a compelling factor that made them read the story, horror has been depicted in the story by Count Dracula, the ruthless and evil monster. Count Dracula is the antagonist in the story is on the path of destruction, infecting people in his way and increasing his radius of preys by moving to London. The count is shown in the book under different aliases, Dracula has different supernatural traits such as he can change forms to different animals, shadows, he can also control the weather. These different scenes in the story increase the

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