
The Character Of Equality 7-2521 In Ayn Rand's Anthem

Decent Essays

The novel Anthem represents a dystopian fiction written in 1937, but officially published in 1938 by a Russian-born American novelist Ayn Rand. Rand’s purpose represents her desire to express individuality. Anthem was based on the future in an unspecified location. Throughout the book the character Equality 7-2521 wanted to become an individual but was not sure how to express himself. Equality expressed himself as “we” but as the novel progressed he began to recognize himself as “I”. Equality 7-2521 in the novel has changed his mind and become very critical of the leaders of his society denouncing them in moral terms. Equality 7-2521 is correct to do so because throughout the novel he wanted to become an individual and stood back from criticizing the leaders. …show more content…

Equality 7-2521 did not respect the leadership. He felt they were self serving and repressed people from being independent. He did not have the correct words to express the way he really felt. The only expressions he used were identifying himself as “we” or “us” as an alternative to “I” which kept him in the mindset absent of individual identity. His inability to see only from the perspective of “we” and “us” prevented him from acquiring the freedom that everyone has with self expression and being an individual that is also a part of a larger community. Equality 7-2521 would agree with the advice with reference that Rand offered in her short essay “How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society” paragraph 8, for the reason that Rand said “Judge, and prepared to be judged.” This tells Equality 7-2521 that in the process of becoming an individual he will be judged, especially the leaders of his

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