
The Challenges Of King Arceus I And The Midgard Empire

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Thousand of years ago, the world was in chaotic where there were two empires fought to spread their influences and territory. The empires had fought for a long time since their ancestors. The Satanic Empire was known for its barbarous, merciless prevail while its foe, the Midgard Empire, was known for its equality, harmonic reign. Even though both empires had different ways of ruling, they both had arisen a great and superior civilization of all time. Nevertheless, they never reached a consensus for a peace. Dissent and political understanding to prevent peace talks between them had led them to war for thousand of years. Until then, King Arceus I, who was appointed to succeed his father, had brought the Midgard Empire to triumph when he has successfully completed the 100 Crisis War against the Satanic Empire. Thus, giving room to great civilization lasting for 2000 years, beginning from King Arceus I and ended with the reign of a king who has weak governance, filled with fraud and corruption as well as the division of powers in the region under Midgard Empire caused by the uprising and fight for the kingdom throne.

King Arceus I, who had claimed the victory against his foe, has built a strong army comprised three potent line defence which are responsible for maintaining the security and defense of the countries …show more content…

A lot of developments and improvements had been brought by them such as the colonization of Morroc city which was known for its sturdy defense and Satanic strongest city, the reassign of scientific center from Geffen to Juno, the discovery of the ancient city Gallade and the downfall of Satanic Empire last city, Veins, to the Midgardians had marked the end of Satanians. From that point, the continent had achieved true freedom and the empire can concentrate on education, governance, economy and social

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