
The Causes Of The Cuban Revolution

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Prior to the 1959 Cuban revolution, Cuban society was defined by social, economic and political unrest. Cuba’s dependence of the slave trade between the 1500s and 1886 saw a rising fear of slave revolts. Whilst the sugar industry provided moments of economic stability throughout the late 1700s and early 1800s, the modernisation of sugar plantations during the 19th century caused economic instability and a fluctuating commodity value, instigating unrest. This allowed for an investment opportunity for the United States, that transformed Cuba into a business, which impelled unrest amongst Cuban’s. The return of the Batista regime in 1952, characterised by political corruption and oppression provoked a rise of resistance amongst Cuban society, activating unrest throughout the island.
As Cuba’s dependence of the slave trade increased, a fear of slave revolts evolved, contributing to social unrest between the 1500s and 1886. In the 1500s the first slaves known as Ladinos were brought from Spain, and in 1533 “the first recorded Black slave revolt in Cuba [took] place at Jababo mines.” However, as historian Franklin remarks, “Slave rebellions… continue with frequency,” yet, Spanish field marshal Alejandro O’Reilly expressed that the “happiness of this island… depended on the importation of slaves,” due to the sugar industry. In 1763, colonial official Julian de Arriaga was made aware of the dangers of the rising slave population, stating, “the increasing number of slaves...

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