
The Causes Of The American Colonies Of North America

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The Colonies of North America were hardy producing colonies based on the unalienable right known as life, liberty, and property. The original colonists wanted liberty and the freedom to practice their own religion, and they were quickly followed by some wanting land and others simply wanting just a new life. They built the thirteen colonies of North America that were loyal to the British crown. New colonists were soon attracted to the virgin land by free acreage being offered to freshly arrived colonists. The colonies not only survived but thrived by harvesting local raw materials and trading them back to their mother country of Britain, but the colonies had grown too much for their borders and the colonists put pressure on their local government demanding that they be given the land that was promised to them by the British crown years prior. Due to the high tension between colonists and governors this sparked a conflict known as the seven years war that lasted seventeen fifty-six to seventeen sixty-three. The conflict was caused by American colonists pushing for land exceeding the French boundary in the Ohio river valley. They got into several battles with local Indians and French colonists and soon it became world wide involving several different countries, but the key players were the French and the Indians versus the British therefore giving it its other name, the French and Indian War. The war lasted seven years and built up a large debt on the British crown due to

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