
The Causes Of President Hoover And The Great Depression

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The Great Depression Money markets slammed on October 1929 and this is what caused the Great Depression to happen. For a length of time the country was at the point where signs of troublesome were shown such as joblessness; which turned out to be a gigantic issue for the Americans as well as for different nations. “By 1933, unemployment was at twenty-five percent” (FDR). Never had the highs been higher and lows been lower for the economy. With cash going away individuals started to live in hardships with no real way to earn money. Hoover being president at the time, had great hopes for the economy of America, once this catastrophe hit he was not necessarily blamed for the troubles happening. The nation reacted to The Great Depression in many ways. People were let down by President Hoover which effected the economy, children began to impact society, and families fell apart. Some people turned to music, while others turned to violence. Herbert Hoover being the 31st president at the time, was completely unprepared for the task of guiding he nation out of the great depression. Hoover was not to blame for the stock market crash; however, he is to blame for not taking action in the situation the economy was going through. Hoover contained hopefulness for America and encouraged citizens not to panic. Hoover also hoped the government would guide the country back to normal. President Hover did try to take action but failed, causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes,

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