
The Causes Of Food, Hunger, And Around The World

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It is a sunny day and you are watching T.V, when a thought comes to your mind and wonder what are other people doing around the world while you’re enjoying your life? Are they happy, working, or survive hunger? Their are millions of things at can cause hunger all over the world, and they are still happening.” 795 million people do not have enough of the food they need to live an active, healthy life" (Mercy Corps 1) Food hunger can happen anytime or anywhere, and can be caused by anything, too. However, some causes of hunger are by war, weather and climate, human population, storage facilities, natural disasters and global warming. The most destructive is drought, poor or failed harvests can turn in resulted of food scarcity and high prices available of food(harvest 1). The other one that is more common in people is having no money. In some countries or places, men are the only ones that have a good opportunity to a job, education, and money. Women are the opposite of that, they have less job options women are the ones who stay in the house and taking care of children. Lots and millions of people are suffering for food because they can’t afford it or have no way to receive some. There are campaigns helping people but not enough for this situation. Hunger doesn't only affect one place in the world, it can spread to different locations affecting the population that lives their. “60 percent of the world’s hungry are women and girls”(Mercy Corps 1). Because women have less

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