
The Causes Of Climate Change

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Climate change can be defined as the study of weather patterns over an extended period in any environment and at any time of year. Global warming relates to climate change because it is the ongoing increase of Earth’s normal temperature. The cause for climate change is due to the rise in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and water vapor. Issues that arise because of climate change are sea levels rising, growth in ocean heat content, and buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to human activities. Humans contribute the most to climate change by engaging in driving, burning fossil fuels, and natural gas distribution. Climate change is conceivably evolving due to human activities and minimally biological factors but, climate change is still a scientific phenomenon that requires further investigation. The main contributors to climate change are human activities and biological factors, human activities can be lessened if people were aware of how it impacts the Earth but biological factors scarcely contribute to climate change. “Climate changes when it's forced to change. When our planet suffers an energy imbalance and gains or loses heat, global temperature changes,” (Weather Underground). Climate change is the way the Earth stabilities climate and it does this to accommodate with the harsh factors that contribute to the fluctuation in climate either biological or human activities. Humans fortify climate change by

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