
The Causes And Cons Of Jewish Groups In Jesus

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Jewish Groups 1 In Jesus’ time, there were many religious and social groups who opposed His teachings. When we read these types of confrontations with Jesus we automatically envision these groups as evil people when in reality they weren’t at all. In this report, we will study and analyze the main religious groups that were present during Jesus’ era and why they might have disagreed with Him. 2 The Pharisees were one group of people that had difficulties and problems with Jesus’ teachings. The Pharisees were ultra-Orthodox men who shunned the unrighteous and made up many rules on how to be holy. There were two main groups of Pharisees the Shammai and the Hillel. The Shammai believed that only the Jews were loved by God and that Gentiles shouldn’t convert to Judaism. Because of this belief, the Shammai grew to hate the Gentiles and even made edicts so that the two were separated. The Shammai is also known to have political ties and a close relation to the zealots who wanted to overthrow Rome. The second and less influential groups of Pharisees were the Hillel which focused more on people as opposed to rules. They were much more open to Gentile converts and Jesus acted more positively with this group than the other. The potential conflicts of these groups would be when Jesus would heal someone on the Sabbath the Shammaiites would see this as Jesus doing work on the Sabbath while the Hillelites would see this as a good deed which was permitted on the Sabbath. Another point

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