
The Cause Of Infectious Disease In The Mayo Clinic

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Throughout the history of civilization, there has been one common factor that has ravaged populations and instilled mass panic. This factor is infectious disease. Infectious diseases, according to the Mayo Clinic, are “disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites” (Diseases and conditions, 2014). These organisms are contagious, meaning that they can be passed on from human to human. This can happen through direct or indirect contact. Indirect contact includes touching things that the pathogen is on, such as door handles and elevator buttons. The ability of these diseases to harm more than their current host is what makes them infectious. Infectious diseases like Bubonic Plague, Spanish Flu, and AIDS have ravaged …show more content…

These innovations are immunizations, also known as vaccines. Vaccines are weakened or dead versions or a disease that are injected or introduced into a subject’s body. This weakened form of the disease causes the body to build anti-bodies against it that attack the stronger version of the disease if it is later introduced. This is how a person builds immunity to a disease. The first person to do this was Edward Jenner, an English doctor in the late eighteenth century. Jenner noticed that many of the local milkmaids that contracted cowpox were immune to any subsequent outbreaks of smallpox in the area. To experiment with this, he took some pus from a cowpox lesion from an infected milkmaid and used this to vaccinate a small six-year-old boy named James Phipps. In doing so, Edward Jenner created the world’s first smallpox vaccine. James Phipps did not contract smallpox, even though he was exposed to it multiple times (Stern, 2005). This is how the process of immunization through the use of vaccines was …show more content…

In America, around forty-five percent of children age 6-17 have received a flu shot in the past twelve months. About twenty-six percent of adults who are 18-49 have received the same immunization. Forty-three percent of those 50-64, and sixty-seven percent of those sixty-five and older have received the flu vaccine in the past year. There were only 1,532 deaths from influenza that year (Influenza, 2014). In a country of over three hundred million, this is an incredible small number, especially given how fast diseases can spread from person to

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