
The Catholic Church Located Near

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There are five Catholic churches located near me according to the Catholic directory. The decision was made to attend a service at Our Lady of Grace Church which is located on South Chapman Street and off of West Market Street in Greensboro that was built in 1952. As you enter the church, the first thing noticed is how large the church is on the inside as well as the outside. Beautiful tall cathedral ceilings with archways, after archways, after archways, and a beautiful altar. The first thing you do is dip your fingers in the bowl containing holy water and cross yourself. According to websites, this is to remember your baptism. If you have not been baptized you do not dip your fingers in the water. After dipping into the holy water, you bless yourself by saying “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” while doing the motion of a cross on the forehead, lower chest, left shoulder, then right shoulder. Walking to the pew, there are some people who bow, there are some people, who bend their knees, and there are some people who actually go all the way down to the ground. The reason for the bow is to bow to the altar, genuflect to the tabernacle. Genuflecting is when the right knee touches the floor and the tabernacle is where the Body of Christ is kept. Once at the seats, the entrance song begins. This signals the start of Mass. This Sunday it was Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven, and Hymn. As this song is being sung, the priest and servers walk slowly to

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