
The Carter Administration 's Foreign Policy Decisions

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There has been much historical debate around the fall of the shah and the factors, which facilitated his downfall. Many historians have argued and debated the different factors, which led to the shah’s demise. Some examine Carter and his administration, analyzing their missteps in dealing with foreign policy towards Iran by wanting Iran to liberalize. Others believe that the Shah’s fall was inevitable from the start of his reign, due to his policy of modernization. Historians also argue that the Shah facilitated his own downfall by the decisions he made whilst in power. An example of this is the shah supporting the oil price increase, which led to the western politicians, press and the media to turn against the shah. This increased the …show more content…

Luca argues that the shah ‘promoted western values and culture, whilst gaining control of the customary sectors of the Iranian society. This included religion, education and the bazaars’ . This is backed up by Kamran Matin, who states that he attempted to liberalize Iran through his attempt to ‘modernize the bazaars, irritating merchants of the bazaars with his policies such as obligatory membership and dues. He also interfered in the political, economical and religious concerns of the Iranians ’. Trenta further extends the argument and argues that this ‘westoxication of Iran culture and society angered religious leaders. The bazaaris also resented the impositions such as price controls and having to make room for western size malls’ . Trenta further extends her argument and highlights that ‘the Iranian opposition groups viewed and interpreted the interest and intention of liberalizing Iran as a response to the election of President Jimmy Carter in November 1976 as Human Rights was his ‘corner stone’ in foreign policy’ . Due to this coincidence, the Iranian people began to build resentment towards the Shah and his regime. The opposition grew as the Iranians viewed the Shah as a ‘puppet of the united states’ . Trenta argues that the election of ‘Jimmy carter and his rhetoric of Human Rights was merely a coincidence’ .

Historians also believe that the Shah facilitated his own downfall due to his arms sales programme. Historian Trenta, argues that the Shah

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