
The Career Of A Physician

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It wasn’t until recently, a few years ago, that I decided what career I wanted to pursue. I first started off joining the military right out of high school and after my fist enlistment of six years did I know that the military career field I was is (Food Service) wasn’t for me. I knew with my own personal experiences that I have encountered through the military that I enjoyed helping people, and volunteering at hospitals. I have always loved biology and anatomy, its remarkable what the human body can accomplish. So when my enlistment was coming to an end I knew I would take this change to go college using my military benefits. I knew right away I wanted to do something in the medical career field, but wasn’t sure which path to …show more content…

That is what really drew me into this career field. I personal think this career is suited very well for my personality as well as my career goals I have for myself. I believe I can be happy do this career for the rest of my life.
About the Profession
As a physician assistant (PA) one can work in a variety of different settings; hospital, private practice, government, and educational. I personality would like to reenter the military with my PA degree and continue to serve the military until I reach retirement, when than would apply to work for a veteran’s hospital. As a PA your job is to help and care for the sick, I cannot think of a better setting where people are more deserving of treatment and care then military members. I would like to help make sure patients are being listened to as well as proper care, I know from previous experience that not all military healthcare providers take time to listen and make their patients feel secure due to the high volume of patients and low number of healthcare workers. But I would make it a point to try my best to change at my end. I would like to specialize in dermatology, however I am still open to new areas being that I haven’t had much experience in any given specialties yet. I really like that as a PA you are under the direct supervision of a doctor, and at anytime they can step in. Most would see this as undermining, yet I see it as protection and better care for

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