
The Call Of The Outsiders And Greasers

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Bang Bang Bang the sounds of gunshots and the security alarms. In this book there's so much that goes on. First there's people called the Socs they don't like the Greasers and they try to kill them. Then their is a girl her name is Cherry and she likes Ponyboy, she is a Soc. Their is a place called the Rumble and that is where the Socs and Greasers fight to see who is the biggest and strongest. The park is where a Socs tried to kill Ponyboy and Johnny. There is a character named Ponyboy he is the narrator of this book and he is a big part of this book. Pony is a Greaser and he likes to cause craziness, he also takes risks. Johnny is a young kid that smokes. Johnny is better than all of the other Greasers because he does not like fighting. Darry

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