
The Breedloves in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye Essay

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In the third chapter of The Bluest Eye, entitled "Autumn", Toni Morrison focuses on Pecola's family, the Breedloves. Morrison goes in depth about the family dynamic of the Breedloves and how it affects Pecola and her self-image. The passage starts after one of many arguments between Cholly and Mrs. Breedlove, Pecola's parents, turns violent. Mrs. Breedlove wants Cholly to fetch some coal from the outside shed. Cholly spent the last night drinking and does not want to get out of bed. The passage begins with the children becoming aware of the argument. Mrs. Breedlove starts to hit him with cooking pans while Cholly mostly used his feet and teeth. After the fight is over Mrs. Breedlove just lets Cholly lie on the ground and she goes about her …show more content…

While she knows what happens to her body as a result of these arguments, she still cannot take care of herself. This inability to deal with the physical results of her parents' arguments comes from her mental instability that stems from these fights. Pecola then starts to disintegrate into her fantasy world in an attempt to make herself feel better. In asking "please God... please make me disappear," she wants to leave this ugly place that is her home and her family (45). Morrison then leads the reader through the process of Pecola's different body parts disappearing, from her "fingers... one by one; then her arms disappeared all the way to the elbow... the legs all at once... her stomach... then her chest, her neck" (45). This succession of "slowly, now with a rush... [and] slowly again" fading body parts illustrates how much effort Pecola is putting into disappearing and how much this effort puts a toll on her body (45). In making herself feel better she is also tiring herself out, for the exertion she puts out does not make her happy and does not fulfill what she wants in the end: to fully disappear. This merge into fantasy does not fulfill Pecola's need for happiness because the things she cannot make disappear are the most important body parts to get rid of: her eyes. For even though she did everything she could and put all her effort into disappearing, "she could never get her

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