The Breakfast Club, produced in 1985, is a famous film about five strangers who at first glance, seem to all be extremely different. Commonly referred to as “the criminal, the princess, the brain, the athlete, and the basketcase,” the students all have distinct personas. However, as the movie progresses, they discover they all have much more in common than they had previously thought. As a former high school student, the concept of the movie is relatively familiar to me. Communicating between strangers, bonding with other students much different from yourself, and forming of new friendships are all situations I have witnessed firsthand. Throughout the movie, communication and the formation of relationships prove to be main focal points. …show more content…
The orientation stage is exemplified is when the students are introduced to each other in the first few minutes of detention. Rather than simply engaging in small talk, the characters attempt to speak in a manner that they feel will be viewed favorably by others, whether that is through “good behavior” or “bad behavior.” Soon following the orientation stage, the students become slightly more comfortable with each other, transitioning into the exploratory stage. When discussing what each of them would do for a million dollars, they slowly disclose more and more information about themselves and begin to develop a casual friendship. However, personal issues and information are consistently withheld. The students have not yet reached the level of trust required. However, not long after, the students discuss each other's family situations. Bender even mentions the abuse he faces from his father. This disclosure of personal information signals the affective stage of the Social Penetration Theory. By revealing these parts of themselves, the students are able to gain a better understanding of where they all come from and their personal lives. They disclose personal information because they begin to develop trust and comfort. Lastly, the students successfully reach the stable stage when Allison receives a makeover. Throughout the entire movie, Allison is extremely reserved. She now shows enough trust in
“What do you care what I think anyway? I do not even count, right? I could disappear forever and it would not make any difference.” These are common thoughts that people may experience as they advance through Tuckman's stages of group development. In the 1985 movie, The Breakfast club, all five stages of Tuckman's group development can be seen.The Breakfast Club is about a group of students who unfortunately broke school rules, and was given detention as punishment. They had to complete nine long hours of detention. Although, they go to the same school, and the know of each other, they do not know each other. Superficially, the students do not have anything in common. As the time passes while they are in detention, the students began to confide
The Breakfast Club is such an interesting movie to use with this topic. The wide range of characters allows for a variety of different interactions. The way we are going to approach this, is to look at each character and examine the different interactions between.
The Breakfast Club was a movie delineating the interactions of five high school students from differing backgrounds encountering the obstacle of a Saturday detention. These five students were composed of a princess, a brain, an outcast, a jock, and most pertinent to this paper, the rebel, John Bender. John Bender is depicted within this movie as a careless and hostile character with some authority issues. An impulsive and uncooperative individual, Bender, in the detention for pulling the fire alarm, serves as a sharp juxtaposition to the other characters, often challenging the others on their perspectives. This contrast could perhaps be attributed to his home life, which is different from his four detention counterparts.
The iconic coming-of-age movie The Breakfast Club, focuses on the development of five, seemingly very different high school students. In the movie we are presented with the five main characters all with stereotypes that they identify with. Claire is the princess or the beauty queen, John, often referred to by his last name “Bender,” is the criminal, Brian is the brain or the nerd, Andrew, is the athlete, a wrestler , and finally Allison is the basket case or the weirdo. The story is set in saturday detention where they are forced to spend eight hours with people from other cliques that they would normally never interact with. The day progresses and the characters interact with one another, smoke, dance, break rules, and reveal very personal parts of themselves with the others. The story ends with some of the characters making an attempt to change their identity with the realization that even with the boxes they have been put into they are not that different from one another.
The groups that are formed as adolescents often determine group associations as adults and define an individual within their social group that will either set them with or against other groups. This is described in an article on social groupings by Colin Allen, which mentions that our social associations as adolescents are strong indicators to future patterns of social norms as adults. Therefore, the group of students in the movie, The Breakfast Club, can also be extrapolated to adult group dynamics. However, the varying social norms between groups can present conflicts when adults are required to function within a very diverse group of individuals. In The Breakfast Club, the Jock, Geek, Prom Queen, Delinquent, and the Freak groups are brought together initially through an autocratic or directive leadership role, used to bring the group together in order to proceed to the next phase of group development. This stage is particularly important within a group of
Do you ever wonder what people are really like and not just what they show on the outside? Yes, we all do. This is because we never take the time to meet up with a person to understand more about them. We meet our five characters at the beginning of the movie and they are all different. There is Andy the athlete, Claire is a princess, Allison a basket case, Brian the brain, and John Bender the criminal. But throughout the movie they learn more and more about each other and find that they all have a lot of common problems and beliefs. In his film The Breakfast Club, John Hughes uses the Star-crossed lovers and loyal companions archetypes to reveal how we as humans fail to recognize how trustful a person can be, because we let our differences control how we act and feel towards others and their beliefs.
Five teens, five different cliques, one eight-hour Saturday detention. These is the basics of The Breakfast Club. Through spending the day with one another Allison, Andrew, Brian, Claire and John realize there isn’t much difference between them, and the differences that are between them aren’t too important. Watching The Breakfast Club is a great way to learn about adolescents. You have five, very different -yet very similar- adolescents to observe along with what they do together. In observing them you can understand how they’re beginning to cognitively develop from children to adults
The Breakfast Club is a film that exhibits many dynamics within society which are then displayed throughout school systems. Throughout watching this, I was able to relate some of these sociological groups to my own experiences within high school and analyze sociological elements and themes within the film.
approach does not account for this. In close relation to norms, beliefs are an important factor in The Breakfast Club. Beliefs tell us what we think is true or false. In this movie there are many false beliefs that are shattered by the time the credits roll.
Released in 1985, The Breakfast Club depicts five high school students from Illinois as they spend a Saturday together in detention. Prior to their arrival, John Bender, Claire Standish, Andy Clark, Brian Johnson, and Allison Reynolds had not met, nor would they have associated with one another on a typical day in high school. After spending nine hours together, however, the group of vastly different adolescents break down emotional barriers, manage to build a sense of intimacy, and some establish dating relationships by the day’s end (Hughes et al., 1985). The film illustrated a rather realistic portrait of adolescence in several topical domains.
John Hughes's The Breakfast Club is one of film history’s most iconic and renowned movies and is a cornerstone of 1980’s pop-culture. The Breakfast Club showcases five unique high school students who all unfortunately find themselves imprisoned in an all-day Saturday detention. The students go as following: Claire (a pretty girl), Brian (the nerd), John (the bad boy), Andrew (an athlete), and Allison (the strange, goth girl). These students come from very different backgrounds and social settings which proves to spark many conflicts between them as well as with their supervisor Mr. Vernon. But through this conflict they find similarities between themselves, and after spending nine hours locked up together, they find resolution within themselves and with their new friends. Psychology can explain why this happened as well as what caused other events to occur. This paper will examine four different psychological phenomena: stereotypes, conformity/normative social influence, ingroup versus outgroup/superordinate goals, and the various causes of attraction.
The Breakfast Club movie is about five high school students from Shemer High School with different backgrounds. It’s the story of “a brain (Brian), an athlete (Andrew), a basket case (Allison), a princess (Claire) and a criminal (Bender).” The purpose of the movie is to captive the feelings and perspectives on what other people have experienced and learned from each other. The analysis about The Breakfast Club is about the common insecurities and challenges of the teenager during high school. The Breakfast club is a movie to convey emotions, fears, and companionship that everyone can relate to. However, with new knowledge comes new perspective and emotions. This movie opens up a world of abstract thoughts because none of the five students know each other and it helps to create an interpersonal communication, they revealed to each other how their lives actually are. This movie is about Social Judgment Theory, Interpersonal conflict, self-disclosure, Social Comparison Theory and an unresolved life conflicts of a teenager life by finding their identities.
The Breakfast Club is a movie about five students from Shermer High School who gather on a Saturday to sit through eight hours of detention. These five students; Andrew Clark, Claire Standish, John Bender, Allison Reynolds and Brian Johnson, have nothing in common. The Breakfast Club zooms in on the high school social groups and cliques that are often seen in the development of peer groups during adolescents. The peer groups that are portrayed in The Breakfast Club include, John “the criminal”, Claire “the Princess”, Allison “the Basket case”, Brian “the Brain”, and Andrew “the athlete”. The movie centers around an essay that Principle Vernon wants each student to write regarding who they think they are. In the beginning of the film, the
The Breakfast Club is a 1985 American movie written and directed by John Hughes. The movie focuses on five different teenagers, each of which fits a typical stereotype. Each teen is introduced individually, displaying the traits of their respective stereotypes. The audience is first introduced to Claire, the preppy, popular girl, referred to as “The Prom Queen” in the script. Next, the audience is introduced to Brian, the nerd, or geek, of the group. Following Brian, the audience is introduced to Andrew, the popular athlete, referred to as “The Jock” in the script. In the shortest introductions, the audience is given a small glimpse of John Bender, although at this time the stereotype he fits is not known, a short observation of the physical attributes and clothing style will reveal to the audience that John Bender fills the role of the rebel or delinquent. The final member of the group is introduced in a short fashion as well. Allison, steps out of a car, dressed in dark clothing, with dark hair and makeup, is the outcast, or introvert of the group. Each stereotype represented by the teens is predicated on the general idea of high school cliques and the categories they generally fall into.
In the movie The Breakfast Club, five seemingly different adolescents are assigned Saturday detention where they learn that although they each fit a particular stereotype, they all have the same characteristics, but they are expressed differently because they have different experiences, strengths and weaknesses that makes them who they are. In the movie, Bender is the “criminal”, Brian is the “brain” and Allison is the “psychopath.” Each of their situations, strengths and weakness are similar to students that are in our classrooms currently or we may have in our classrooms in the future. For each student it is important to understand their learning differences and as a teacher, how I can use their strengths to help them become