The American mainstream liberal media and press have started to set up the traps, to attacking Donald Trump on four fronts. Donald Trump is the only candidate has to speak up the truth, about the crisis situation in the US today.
Americans politicians in the Washington Capital have always been flip-flopping their tongues to get elected. American politicians in the Washington Capital have been willing to abandon their principles and their rights of Americans, for their own sake.
The Border Crisis- The real impact of illegal immigration"
American people today facing with the Cold War, Terrorists War, War on poverty, Racism, War on Drugs, Unequal Distributions of Wealth (Wealth inequality) and an the Election Warfare.
Immigration is a rapid growing issue for the United States. For a long time people from other countries have been coming here to look for bigger and better things for themselves, as well as for their families. This article digs to the core of the issue, illegal immigration. Chideya wanted to know three things: 1) What is the reality behind the perceptions of Mexican Americans, 2) How do the residents of El Paso look upon the Mexicans, and 3) How do Mexican-Americans see themselves and their cousins across the border.
Officials are taking steps to curb illegal immigration which include trying to figure out how to handle the current border crisis. There are many solutions to handle the border crisis. One solution would be to establish new policies to help control the crisis. But before new policies are created this country needs a new Congress. Therefore it would be essential to elect an entirely new set of individuals to Congress. Maybe with a new Congress, they would work together so that they could get something done. It is also important to examine the border security policies and asylum processes of other countries. This would help the United States see how other countries handle the asylum process so that they could determine how the asylum process in this country could change.
Six and a half billion dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, that is the approximate cost of a border that would stretch from San Diego to Texas. A chain-linked, steel, and barbed-wire border that would block hard work, dreams, and an inevitable fate. Through the brutal deserts, dehydration, and pain, only about a fourth of the immigrants trying to get to America make it. That means so much because of how many people try to accomplish this feat, considering still around nine-hundred thousand immigrants still make it. In all reality, borders are truly just an imaginary line some important people with wigs created. We, as a whole, decide how important things are. Money's just paper, an MLB star is just a normal human. However, something that always gets us, something that is made such a big fuss about, is a two-thousand mile long border, also known as The Mexican-American Border. Think about this. If we have such a powerful military and border patrol, why would we need such an intimidating wall? Or even why do we disown and hate these immigrants? Better yet, why would we spend all this money when we are trillions
I want to start out by apologizing for being late this week with my posts. I wasn’t late on my postings during Thanksgiving week, however this week was Championship Week in college football and I managed to make it to the Big10 championship game for the entire week! Although my team lost in the last minute of the game it was definitely still a once in a lifetime experience for the most part.
I am very familiar with the ethics of border security, having grown up in El Paso, Texas. The city sits right next to Juarez, Mexico with a population of over 2 million. As stated in the article, “Border Fence”, El Paso, San Diego, and McAllen are the epicenter for cartel violence, hub for drug trafficking, and illegal immigration. There is a border fence that stretches over 30 miles in and around the El Paso area, with a border patrol agent stationed every 300 yards over the same span. With a population of close to 800,000 with over 80% of that being Hispanic, it is a very controversial subject along the border region. ( Article)
I am writing this letter to respectively bring your attention to the Mexican-American border, its damaging effect on the United States economy, and potential solutions to this specific situation which has become known as the Border Crisis. As you may already know, the border runs from Tijuana, Baja California to Tamaulipas and Texas. According to the International Boundary and Water Commission, the border’s length is 1,954 miles and is the most frequently crossed international border, mainly by undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America. As an attempt to contain this influx of illegal migration, former President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 stating, “This bill will help protect American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.” While Mr. Bush may have had the United States’ safety at heart, one must question if the border fence is actually helping the economy or hurting it? There are several problems that have risen following the creation of the border fence; immigrants coming from The Northern Triangle have actually increased, Texas has become the deadliest entry state, undocumented and unaccompanied children are costing taxpayers even more, and simply maintaining the border fence is a very high cost.
For quite a long time U.S. immigration policy and the current illegal immigration crisis has been one reason for political debates among democrats and republicans, as policymakers address problems related to U.S. labor demand and border security.
Amnesty is the most reasonable thing to do and best choice for the 13 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States furthermore, for the United States economy. The correctional prerequisites against migrants were added to enactment to protect it from feedback that acquittal is absolution without outcome. Immigration makes a difference among everybody, and Congress ought to be doing everything in its energy to make it as simple as feasible for settlers to live and work lawfully what 's more, openly in the United States.
Between the years of 1950-1995, why were so many illegal immigrants crossing the American borders and how did they affect America?
For ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual average of about 300,000 people(Currie 10). In the recent year of 2014, there were about 11.3 million undocumented people living in the United States(Krogstad). Many have asked what harm they do to both the economy and the American citizen. Although there are many arguments as to how much harm they cause, there are as many arguments stating illegal immigration benefits the United States. Illegal immigration has a positive impact in the United States within the consumers, the working class, and the overall economy.
With the rise of foreign people permanently settling in America, the immigration policy has affected all aspects of society in terms of growth and development of economy, societal issues, and national security. As the immigration policy is a broad topic among senators, it needs to be prioritize for it to be better understood. In doing so will improve the immigration policy and grasp the significance of its impact in America.
Illegal immigration can cause substantial tension on the current economic configuration in a country. However, it can also, assist the said configurations by providing cheap and effective manpower at the same time.
According to a new Pew Research Center estimate, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in March 2013 (Pew Research Center, 2014), and there might be even more since many of them decide not to share any personal information to these types of organizations, such as the Census. The main reason for this presumption is that they fear of being deported back to their birth countries. Many other studies have shown that the number of unauthorized immigrants or “aliens” (as many people labeled them) living in the United States has stabilized since 2013, compared to 12.2 million in 2007 (which was the beginning of the Great Recession) and 3.5 million in 1990. In other words, the illegal immigration rate arriving and
Every four years, people from all over this country argue and debate what is best for this country, the so-called winner of these series of debates, becomes our next president. These people want what is best for this country, but often times are unwilling to try anything absurd, with the exception of Donald Trump. One of the biggest issues currently debated within the candidates, and all over the country, is the dilemma of the border between Mexico and the United States. Millions of people every year, not just Mexicans, cross this border in hopes of finding a better life, just as the pilgrims and everyone since them has done. The argument arises of what we, as the people of The United States, should do with the border. Our current administration
“An immigrant is a person who legally comes to a country to take up permanent residence. An “illegal” immigrant is a person who does so without following the established legal procedures of the destination country and who resides in that country without proper visas or other documents.” (source 1)Illegal immigration is changing the lives of many Americans today, and although all illegal immigrants are not bad and are not here by choice, or to hurt anyone, it still affects us each and every day. Illegal immigration has been a problem for many years, and it seems as if it is impossible to control, but according to former mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York it can be controlled. Giuliani stated