Human intelligence is like a garden. Defined as the mental potential to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations, intelligence is not only nature; it is also nurture. It is reported that 50% of our intelligence is determined by heredity and the other 50% is influenced by our environments. The nurture provided by our environments, for example home and school, plays a huge role in forming our intellectual skills. Consequently, and through no fault of their own, children who are born in to and grow up in a low socioeconomic environment tend to have a lower intelligence level and a lesser opportunity to learn and perform basic academic skills. The 2009 movie The Blind Side, based on a true story and directed by John Lee Handcock, follows a homeless teenager, Michael Oher, through his journey into a new high school and a new home. Michael experiences a drastic change from an extremely low socioeconomic environment to an extremely high one and this challenges Michael in many ways.
At the beginning of the movie, Michael is a new student starting at Wingate Christian High School. During the review of his application, the school board discovers Michael is currently holding a 0.6 GPA and scored a below-average 80 IQ on the Standard-Binet Intelligence test. The average score is 85-115. Without the support of the school’s football coach, who sees athletic potential in Michael, the school board most likely would have turned him away. Throughout
Taking the bad in with the good, although you may be the perfect classification in order to be targeted in todays society. How you’re classified is based on things such as a persons race, intellect, social class, and appearance. A 2009 film, The Blind Side, written and directed by John Lee Hancock stars, Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw, is based on a true story. This movie tells a story that truly depicts simple acts of kindness that has the capability to change a persons life.
This movie-The Blind Side talks about how Michael Oher achieved his self-esteem during his adolescent time. Between the plots of the movie, we also included some development theories such as Erik Erikson’s psychosocial cognitive theory; Maslow’s hierarchy needs theory and also the operant conditioning theory that associated with Michael’s development.
The Blind Side is a 2009 American semi-biographical drama film written and directed by John Lee Hancock. The film took place at Memphis, Tennesse and featured Michael Oher, an offensive lineman who played for the Baltimore Raven of the NFL. For most of his childhood life, 17 year old Oher has been in foster care with different families yet runs away every time he was placed in a new home. His life change when his friend’s father asks Burt Cotton, coach of Wingate Christian School, to help his son and Mike enrol. Impressed by Mike’s size and athleticism, Cotton gets him admitted despite his abysmal academic record. At his new school, Oher was befriended by a boy named Sean Jr. “SJ”. One cold night, SJ’s mother Leigh Anne
The film The Blind Side was based off of the book written by Michael Lewis and was directed and written by John Lee Hancock. The movie premiered on November 20th, 2009. Warner Brothers Pictures produced the film for a general audience over the age of thirteen because of language, violence, drugs, and sexual references. This is a story of a young African American boy, Michael Oher, and his struggle through life to become a successful human being with the help of the people around him. The Tuohy family, teachers at Wingate, and his tutor, Miss Sue, all worked together to help make Michael the professional football player and writer he is today.
The Blind Side was based on the life of Michael Oher a teenage African American boy whose mother was battling drug and alcohol addictions, in the projects of Memphis Tennessee. Mike as he is know in the movie was in foster care several times and always ran away to his Mother, thinking that no one could ever love him the way his Mother could, even with her ongoing addiction. Mike often slept at his fathers friends home, but even he could not give Mike the support that he desired. He would wash his clothes in the sink at the local laundry mat, and often had to steal food from the local gas station just to survive. When his only caregiver whose couch Michael slept on every night took his
The movie “The Blind Side” originally written by: Michael Lewis is about a highschool boy named Michael Oher who gets adopted by the Tuohy family. The family financially help Michael with his school grades in order to play football, after his grades went up Michael got the proper training to play in his school team. Eventually, he struggles but Sean motivates Michael training him using Football strategies. Sean recorded a video of his sports performance Therefore it made him famous and received a scholarship.
“Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery” ― Bill Keane; American cartoonist .As individuals that live their lives, everyone has or is going to encounter significant experiences that will change their identity forever. In the 2009, American biographical sports drama film The Blind Side directed by John Lee Hancock, the main character Michael Oher, a black teenage boy goes through many ups and downs through his life to finally become a successful NFL football left tackle player. The director of this film chose this story because it exhibits the importance of the experiences we encounter in our lives and how they can be life changing. Momentous experiences and exposure to various situations in life impact an individual to transform because
The Blind Side released in 2009 ("The Blind Side", 2009) is a recent American classic directed by John Lee Hancock, based on the novel written by Michael Lewis ("The Blind Side", 2009). This film was chosen for the film analysis by the professor, however, after watching The Blind Side, it is quite evident that this movie is perfect for analyzing the different concepts of communication since the entire move revolves around the forming of relationships and the strain between the conflicting methods of communication. The concepts that will be used to analyze The Blind Side are conflicting cultures, creating relationships, and expressing feelings. Fortunately, all these concepts are somewhat related and intertwined within each other when they
The Blind Side was released on November 20, 2009 by Warner Bro. Pictures, and directed by John Lee Hancock. The film is based on a book, “The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game” and a true story. The Blind Side is a semi-biographical sports drama film about a neglected and troubled African-American boy named Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) growing up in the ghetto with his drug addict mother. Due to his mother’s drug abuse problem, Michael is forced into the foster care system. Michael would always run away from his foster home leaving him homeless. One night, while Michael is looking for a warm place to sleep, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) an upper class Caucasian female finds Michael and decides to give him a place to sleep in her home. Although many of her friends and family judged her for her decision of taking an African-American child into her home, Leigh Anne provided Michael with an education, home family, food, and clothes. She gave him the opportunity to have a future and to become his own person. Adults from the age range of thirteen and older will enjoy The Blind Side because of its cast,
The movie The Blind Side is based on a true story about Michael Oher, first round draft pick for the Baltimore Ravens in 2009. Oher grew up in the projects in Memphis to a drug-addicted mother and an absent father. Michael was eventually taken by family services and was placed in a number of different foster homes. He ran away from each home placement and eventually became homeless. Michael is taken in by Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy who helped him to attend a private Catholic school, which is where their children as well received their education. Prior to school here Michael had little education or skills to be successful in life. While attending Wingate Christian School, Michael began to play football. The Tuohy family provide the nurturing environment that Michael needed to show his true potential. Leigh Anne and Sean eventually become Oher’s legal guardians and help him become successful in school as well as excel with his interest in football. This movie story into Oher’s life display social issues, obstacles, and triumph was overcome by Oher in order for him to achieve his dream with the guidance and stability provided from the Tuohy family.
“Based on a book by journalist Michael Lewis chronicling the real life Oher’s experiences, “The Blind Side” manages to inspire despite its broad-strokes approach to characterization.”(VLM, 2010) The Blind Side is based on a true story, the story of Michael Oher, a homeless boy with a traumatic past until one women, Leigh Ann, took him in as her own son and changed his life for the better. Michael is now known as an American football player, that was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens. The film, “The Blind side”, produced by John Lee Hancock, demonstrates that a tragic childhood does not necessarily mean one is destined for defeat, as long as there are those who care enough about you. “The Blind Side” uses rhetorical appeals by illustrating ethos, logos, and pathos to teach the audience moral lessons on learning and coping with traumatic life experiences and defining oneself socially through personal actions.
As infants grow up to be adults, they succeed and surpass phases in their development that prove mental growth has occurred. These phases, such as learning to be independent and being able to make decisions on their own or being persuaded by others, are well explained within theories created by theorists and psychologists such as Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson. These theories were created to show a unique psychological outlook on ones’ personal developmental growth. One of the most crucial phases is the adolescent stage; this stage sees a growth and development in the biosocial, cognitive, psychosocial and moral aspects of an adolescent’s life. The Blind Side’s Michael Oher is a great example of someone who is experiencing the adolescent stage. Michael Oher is a seventeen-year-old African American who grew up in the housing projects in Memphis, Tennessee and was separated from his drug-addicted mother. As a result, Michael went from foster home to foster home until he was adopted by the Touhy’s. Throughout the movie, Michael demonstrated various cognitive and psychosocial developments. Even through his struggles and experiences, he was able to overcome the obstacles and become successful as a student and as an athlete.
The Blind Side depicts the story of Michael Oher, a seventeen year old African American homeless boy from a broken home, taken in by Leigh Anne Tuohy, a wife and mom of two living in a well to-do neighborhood. Repeatedly running away from the group home after group home, he was placed in after he was taken from him drug addicted mother, he happens to run into the exceedingly accepting family. Only after the catholic high school football coach sees his size and agility he is accepted to the privet school, despite a 0.7 GPA and lack of a place to sleep Leigh Anne Touhy, along with only one of his teachers, take a special interest in him. The families give him
The movie The Blind Side was released in 2009. It is about a young man, named Michael Oher, who grew up in a poor environment. In the beginning of the movie, Michael was homeless and not currently attending school. All of that changed when a woman, named Leigh Anne Tuohy, offered Michael the chance to stay with her and her family. The Tuohy family was well off, unlike Michael, so it was an adjustment for both the family and him to live together. However, the family was very warm and welcoming to Michael, which differed from many of the other people Michael encountered. In the movie, Michael experienced racism, discrimination, and prejudice towards him from a variety of people.
“The Blind Side” is a movie based on a true-life story of how Michael Oher goes through the difficulties in his life before he becomes one of the best defensive players of the NFL football team. Growing up in a broken family; where he had a drug-addicted mother, the father being in the prison and he, himself was always going in and out of the foster homes, as the audience, we all probably have already expected what will happen to this young man.