By 1966, 32% of African-Americans were living below the poverty line, and almost 2/3 of people living in poor urban areas were Black. The Black Panther Party was a socialist and Black nationalist organization that was founded 51 years ago to address these issues among others. The organization, which had a far-left political position, lasted for merely 16 years and its influence continues to impact the world up till this day. It was the largest Black revolutionary organization to ever exist. Founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, the party began in October 1966 in Oakland, California. The BPP’s original purpose was to protect fellow citizens against police brutality in African-American neighborhoods. Marked by social service programs, …show more content…
Newton was a political activist who earned a Ph.D. in social philosophy. The duo met at Meritt Junior College in West Oakland, California and both were part of the Soul Students Advisory Committee. Ultimately, their experiences and stances, along with the ideology of Malcolm X, influenced the Black Panther Party platform. In October of 1966, Seale and Newton sat down and wrote their first program for the party. The 10 Point Program, titled “What We Want, What We Believe,” demands freedom, full employment, guaranteed income, justice of racial robbery, decent living, better education, black men to be exempt from military service, end of police brutality, and the release of black men in jail due to unfair or lack of trials. The 10th point sets it demands out clearly by stating “ We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace.” In a quote from Huey P. Newton from November 1970, Newton describes the shift from a nationhood stance to a revolutionary stance in the beginning of the party. “In 1966 we called ourselves a Black Nationalist Party because we thought nationhood was the answer,” says Newton, “…shortly after we decided that what was really needed was revolutionary nationalism, that is, nationalism plus socialism.” According to the Socialist Alternative, the BPP grew to 5,000 party workers at its peak in the late 1960s, and organized 45 branches across the country. The party took
The black panther party formed by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale was a revolutionary power unlike any other group in the 60s. They formed a militant to protect the black community after witnessing countless racial attacks and prejudice. The group was famous for there anything go’s thinking including violence against police brutality which was common even after the civil act laws took effect. They also installed programs
African American revolutionary party ,was established in 1966 in Oakland, California, by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. The group popurse was to watch African American neighborhoods to procect them from the volence of the poliece. The Panthers in the long run formed into a Marxist revolutionary group that required the all African American to be armed the arrival of every single African American from prison, and the installment of pay to African Americans for quite a long time of misuse by white Americans. At its top in the late 1960s, Black panther party participation was over 2,000. They had other chapter in other places most black nebeghood .
The two were briefly involved with political groups at the school before they decided to create one of their own. In 1966 they founded The Black Panther Party For Self Defence. Unlike many political and social organisations, their main goal was to advocate gun ownership by African Americans. The group believed that violence, or the threat of violence, might be needed to bring about social change. The Black Panther Party targeted the police of Oakland because of allegations of police brutality against African Americans. News of the militant Black Panther Party was shocking and made the news. Soon, Newton emerged as the Leading Figure in the Black Panther
He joined the Afro- American Association (AAA), became a prominent member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, Beta Tau chapter; and played a role in getting the first African-American history course adopted as part of the college 's curriculum. He read the works of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frantz Fanon, Malcolm X, Mao Zedong, Durkheim, and Che Guevara. During his time at Merritt College he met Bobby Seale, and the two organized the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in October 1966.The Black Panther Party was an African- American left-wing organization working for the right of self-defense for African Americans in the United States.Many of the Black Party 's beliefs were greatly were greatly influenced by Malcolm X: “ Therefore, the words on this page cannot convey the effect that Malcolm has had on the Black Panther party, although, as far as i am concerned, the testament to his work. The party achieved national and international renown through their deep involvement in the Black power movement and the politics of the 1960s and 1970s. The party 's political goals, including better housing , jobs and education for african Americans , were documented in their Ten- points program, a set of guideline to the Black Panthers Party’s ideals and ways of operation. The group believed that violence- or the threat of it- might be needed to bring about social change. They
MEMBERS During an interview with C-SPAN's Brian Lamb (1994) Hugh Pearson, the author of The Shadow of the Panther, stated that Huey Newton founded the Black Panther Party 54 years ago in the fall of 1966 along with co-founder Bobby Seale. The party originated as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee on UCLA’s campus. Although Newton was an intellect he had an extensive criminal record which included many short change scams.
The Black Panther’s beliefs were based on Malcolm X. Malcolm spoke for a militant revolutionary. He said that it should be done with dignity and self-respect, to stand up and fight for equality for all oppressed minorities. The Black Panthers followed Malcolm’s idea of international working class unity. The way the party enforced this was by uniting with various minorities and white revolutionary groups. The Party had four major goals: equality, housing, employment, and civil rights. For this the party had “The Point Program.” This was a set of guidelines for the Black Panther Party ideas and ways of operation. Every Black Panther member had to follow these set of rules.
Newton and Seale made a system of beliefs to empower the black community. For example “we want freedom we want the power to determine the destiny of our Black community. We believe that Black people will not be free until we are able to determine our destiny. This is one of the many belief systems that Newton and Huey created. The BPP also gave back to their community by creating a breakfast program for schools that served 19 cities and 20,000 children.
Section Three Chapter One The Black Panther Party, Fighting For African American Rights The Black Panther Party used any means necessary to improve the lives of Black People. During October 1966, in Oakland California, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Seale and Newton first met at Merritt Community College.
Although known for wearing black berets, leather, and guns, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was a "militant black-activist group, formed in 1966 in Oakland, California, as a violent response to white oppression" (Netzley 1). Its founders include Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. At the time, Newton and Seale were angry about the new cases of
In the year 1966 in Oakland, California an Africa American revolutionary party name the Black Panther Party also known as Black Panther Party for Self- Defense was established by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. The original intention of the party was to protect and patrol African American neighborhood residents from acts of police brutality. There were over 2,000 Panther memberships, and the organization operated chapters in various major American cities.
The Black Panther Party was created originally in 1966 and was initially known as the ‘The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense’ but is now mostly known as the BPP or the Black Panther Party. It was created by Dr. Huey P. Newton alongside five other individuals who were the founding members; Bobby Seale, Bobby Hutton, Elbert Howard, Reggie Forte and Sherwin Forte (David Cunningham 87). The initial mission of the BPP was to act as a police force to oversee the actual police force in Oakland, California, which was the place where BPP was originally created. Later on, as the popularity of the group spread, they developed several factions across America. They comprised of armed citizens, who kept an eye on police interactions and dealings with
Founded on October 15th 1966 in Oakland, California, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was an organization opposed to police brutality against the black community. The Party’s political origins were in Maoism, Marxism, and the radical militant ideals of Malcolm X and Che Guevara. From the doctrines of Maoism they saw the role of their Party as the frontline of the revolution and worked to establish a unified alliance, while from Marxism they addressed the capitalist economic system, and exemplified the need for all workers to forcefully take over means of production (Baggins, Brian). Mao was important to the Black Panthers because of his different stance on Marxism-Leninism when applied to Chinese peasants. The founders of the Black
Organized in the 1960s at the height of the American Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panther Party emerged as a revolutionist group pioneering a strategy of militancy. The Party’s aims were to eliminate the discrimination challenging African-Americans in America since the time of slavery, and to protect their communities from police brutality. Inspired by contemporary radical leaders such as Malcolm X, the party recognized that in order to restructure American society so that civil equality was obtainable by all people, a much stronger opposition was necessary. Party members felt the passive resistance adopted by their predecessors fighting for equality proved
What comes to mind when you think of the Black Panther Party? Do you even know who the Black Panthers really were? They helped transform the lives of many African Americans in the U.S and helped empower the community. The Black Panther has a huge background of history, goals, and beliefs. Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale from Oakland, California founded the Panthers in 1966. Initially, they were an African American self defense force and were highly influenced by Malcolm X’s beliefs. The Panthers had many goals such as;freedom, protecting blacks from police brutality, and helping African Americans obtain a jobs. Despite the negative stereotypes of the Black Panthers as people who ran around with guns, fighting police, they were a major group during the Civil Rights Movement because they practiced self defense, established revolutionary socialism, and stimulated Malcolm X's influence. In the following I will discuss the successful changes the Black Panther Party, had on the African American community during the civil rights movement.
In Oakland, California in October of 1966 Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale what was known as the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Newton and Seale were two African-American activists. It began as poor black people from the same community joining together and entwining in the same ideology. The Black Panther Party is considered the first organization in the history United States of America, to struggle militantly exert oneself for ethnic minority and working-class famishment. Bobby Hutton, seventeen years of age at the time was the first person to agglutinate himself as a Black Panther, aside Newton and Seale.